java Programming Glossary: phrase
Favor composition over inheritance [duplicate] Favor composition over inheritance is very popular phrase. I read several articles and at the end each article says use..
itext java pdf to text creation it do the following thing for example in pdf there is phrase like present the main ideas but itext creates an output like..
Convert a string representation of a hex dump to a byte array using Java? represents hex values into a byte array. I couldn't have phrased it better than the person that posted the same question here.. Java Q_21062554.html But to keep it original I'll phrase it my own way suppose I have a string 00A0BF that I would like..
How to parse a malformed xml (ofx) with ofx4j? that illustrates OFXReader and AggregateUnmarshaller . The phrase an instance of means one of the known..
How to design undo & redo in text editor? want to group individual keystrokes of a single word or phrase in one action. Each action in your editor or a redo action generates..
Javadoc comments vs block comments? have the source code at hand. So another way to phrase my question would be When do methods deserve a specification..
Check string for palindrome string for palindrome a palindrome is a word phrase number or other sequence of units that can be read the same..
Exact Phrase search using Lucene? Lucene I am using SpanTerm Query for searching exact phrase in lucene. But it doesnt seem to work. Here is my code. Indexing.. Here's a full working example of searching for a phrase public class LucenePhraseQuery public static void main String..
Is .NET/Mono or Java the better choice for cross-platform development? [closed] series. My main target platform would be Linux. Edit To phrase my question more adequately I am interested in the whole package..
Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format Enter Import Password MAC verified OK Enter PEM pass phrase Verifying Enter PEM pass phrase bash openssl x509 text in foo.pem.. verified OK Enter PEM pass phrase Verifying Enter PEM pass phrase bash openssl x509 text in foo.pem Certificate Data Version 3.. openssl dsa text in foo.pem read DSA key Enter PEM pass phrase Private Key 1024 bit priv 00 8f b1 af 55 63 92 7c d2 0f e6 f3..
Any good interview questions to ask prospective Junior java developers? [closed] this question Compare and contrast don't you love that phrase the modifiers public private protected and default. Compare..
Reverse String Word by Word in Java j if j 0 i strLeng reverse temp return reverse the phrase at the moment becomes olleh evarb wen dlrow notice the space..