java Programming Glossary: keystore.getinstance
Validating a certificate in java throws an exception - unable to find valid certificate path to requested target fin new FileInputStream C trustedca KeyStore anchors KeyStore.getInstance JKS SUN anchors.load fin server .toCharArray X509CertSelector.. TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm KeyStore ks KeyStore.getInstance JKS FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream ... example.jks..
How do I list / export private keys from a keystore? getKeyPassword args keystorePassword KeyStore ks KeyStore.getInstance jks ks.load new FileInputStream keystoreName keystorePassword.toCharArray.. getKeyPassword args keystorePassword KeyStore ks KeyStore.getInstance jks ks.load new FileInputStream keystoreName keystorePassword.toCharArray..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS post.setEntity new StringEntity BODY KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS trusted.load null .toCharArray SSLSocketFactory sslf new.. public HttpClient getNewHttpClient try KeyStore trustStore KeyStore.getInstance KeyStore.getDefaultType trustStore.load null null SSLSocketFactory..
Java: Loading SSL Keystore via a resource true KeyStore ks KeyStore.getInstance JKS ks.load new FileInputStream etc certificates fdms WS1001237590._.1.ks..
How can I get a list of trusted root certificates in Java? is new FileInputStream filename KeyStore keystore KeyStore.getInstance KeyStore.getDefaultType String password changeit keystore.load..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android Context context try Setup truststore KeyStore trustStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory TrustManagerFactory.getInstance.. trustStore Setup keystore KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory KeyManagerFactory.getInstance.. R.raw.truststore KeyStore trustStore null trustStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS trustStore.load clientTruststoreIs MyPassword .toCharArray..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your..
Using Apache httpclient for https TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm KeyStore ks KeyStore.getInstance JKS File trustFile new File clientTrustStore.jks ks.load new.. URL url cl.getResource test.keystore KeyStore keystore KeyStore.getInstance jks char pwd nopassword .toCharArray keystore.load url.openStream..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? sslContext SSLContext.getDefault KeyStore trustSt KeyStore.getInstance BKS TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory TrustManagerFactory.getInstance.. trustManagerFactory.init trustStre KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory KeyManagerFactory.getInstance..
How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection? an example of loading the key store KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance KeyStore.getDefaultType keyStore.load trustStore trustStorePassword..
SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3) getAssets .open clientKeyStore.bks KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS keyStore.load ksStream pass KeyManagerFactory kmf KeyManagerFactory.getInstance..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android code to read that keystore.bbk file KeyStore trustStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS KeyStore.getDefaultType FileInputStream instream new FileInputStream..