java Programming Glossary: keyfactory
Encrypt Password in Configuration Files? (Java) UnsupportedEncodingException SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES SecretKey key.. PBEWithMD5AndDES SecretKey key keyFactory.generateSecret new PBEKeySpec PASSWORD Cipher pbeCipher Cipher.getInstance.. GeneralSecurityException IOException SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES SecretKey key..
Handling passwords used for auth in source code property throws GeneralSecurityException SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES SecretKey key.. PBEWithMD5AndDES SecretKey key keyFactory.generateSecret new PBEKeySpec PASSWORD Cipher pbeCipher Cipher.getInstance.. GeneralSecurityException IOException SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES SecretKey key..
Too much data for RSA block fail. What is PKCS#7? cipher Cipher.getInstance RSA None NoPadding BC KeyFactory keyFactory KeyFactory.getInstance RSA BC create the keys RSAPublicKeySpec.. 16 RSAPublicKey pubKey RSAPublicKey keyFactory.generatePublic pubKeySpec RSAPrivateKey privKey RSAPrivateKey.. pubKeySpec RSAPrivateKey privKey RSAPrivateKey keyFactory.generatePrivate privKeySpec encryption step cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE..
How to Load RSA Private Key From File privKeyBytes bis.close KeyFactory keyFactory KeyFactory.getInstance RSA KeySpec ks new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.. privKeyBytes RSAPrivateKey privKey RSAPrivateKey keyFactory.generatePrivate ks samlResponse.sign Signature.getInstance SHA1withRSA..
How to encrypt and decrypt data in Java? [closed] import KeyFactory keyFactory KeyFactory.getInstance RSA byte publicKeyBytes publicKey.getEncoded..
encrypting and decrypting using java out. why is this String algorithm DES SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance algorithm byte encBytes 12345678.. new DESKeySpec decBytes SecretKey keyEncrypt keyFactory.generateSecret keySpecEncrypt SecretKey keyDecrypt keyFactory.generateSecret.. keySpecEncrypt SecretKey keyDecrypt keyFactory.generateSecret keySpecDecrypt Cipher cipherEncrypt Cipher.getInstance..
256bit AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding with Bouncy Castle password.toCharArray toByte salt 50 256 SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance PBEWithSHA256And256BitAES CBC BC.. CBC BC SecretKeySpec secretKey new SecretKeySpec keyFactory.generateSecret pbeEKeySpec .getEncoded AES IV seed for first.. password.toCharArray toByte salt 50 256 SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory .getInstance PBEWithSHA256And256BitAES CBC..
Encrypting with RSA private key in Java Generate a PCKS8EncodedKeySpec call generatePrivate from KeyFactory to get a private key object Use that private key object with.. the private key object with PrivateKey pk null try KeyFactory kf KeyFactory.getInstance RSA_METHOD pk kf.generatePrivate privateKeySpec.. key object with PrivateKey pk null try KeyFactory kf KeyFactory.getInstance RSA_METHOD pk kf.generatePrivate privateKeySpec..
Too much data for RSA block fail. What is PKCS#7? just fine import java.math.BigInteger import import import Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance RSA None NoPadding BC KeyFactory keyFactory KeyFactory.getInstance RSA BC create the keys RSAPublicKeySpec.. RSA None NoPadding BC KeyFactory keyFactory KeyFactory.getInstance RSA BC create the keys RSAPublicKeySpec pubKeySpec..
How to Load RSA Private Key From File int privKeyFile.length privKeyBytes bis.close KeyFactory keyFactory KeyFactory.getInstance RSA KeySpec ks new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec.. privKeyBytes bis.close KeyFactory keyFactory KeyFactory.getInstance RSA KeySpec ks new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privKeyBytes..
How to encrypt and decrypt data in Java? [closed] 0 16 AES A better way to create a key is with a SecretKeyFactory using a salt byte salt choose a better salt .getBytes int iterations.. choose a better salt .getBytes int iterations 10000 SecretKeyFactory factory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 SecretKey.. int iterations 10000 SecretKeyFactory factory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 SecretKey tmp factory.generateSecret..
Getting RSA private key from PEM BASE64 Encoded private key file privateKeySpec new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keyBytes.array KeyFactory kf KeyFactory.getInstance RSA IBMJCEFIPS RSAPrivateKey pk RSAPrivateKey.. new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keyBytes.array KeyFactory kf KeyFactory.getInstance RSA IBMJCEFIPS RSAPrivateKey pk RSAPrivateKey kf.generatePrivate.. lengthTag 127 too big. at Unknown Source at