java Programming Glossary: judiciously
Effective Java: Analysis of the clone() method the following from Effective Java Item 11 Override clone judiciously where Josh Bloch is explaining what is wrong with the clone..
When should one use final? where I used to use static final fields. Consider but use judiciously Final classes Framework API design is the only case where I..
How to properly override clone method? his book Effective Java 2nd Edition Item 11 Override clone judiciously . He recommends instead to use a copy constructor or copy factory...
Java - short and casting quote Effective Java 2nd Edition Item 41 Use overloading judiciously The rules that determine which overloading is selected are extremely..
Difference between a deprecated and a legacy API? mixes generic and legacy code. Item 54 Use native methods judiciously They provide access to libraries of legacy code which could..
Difference between double… and double[] in formal parameter type declaration quote from Effective Java 2nd Edition Item 42 Use varargs judiciously emphasis by author The lesson is clear. Don't retrofit every..
Why does String.valueOf(null) throw a NullPointerException? ones Effective Java 2nd Edition Item 41 Use overloading judiciously Just because you can overload doesn't mean you should every..
How to solve the “Double-Checked Locking is Broken” Declaration in Java? idiom recommended in the Item 71 Use lazy initialization judiciously of Effective Java If you need to use lazy initialization for..
Speeding up java deep copy operations it. From Effective Java 2nd Edition Item 11 Override clone judiciously Given all of the problems associated with Cloneable it ™s safe..
Why Java needs Serializable interface?