java Programming Glossary: jxb
Generating a JAXB class that implements an interface but it doesn't appear to work. Here is my xjb binding file jxb bindings version 1.0 xmlns jxb http xml ns jaxb.. Here is my xjb binding file jxb bindings version 1.0 xmlns jxb http xml ns jaxb xmlns xs http 2001.. xjc xmlns ext http xml.w xjc plugins interfaces jxb extensionBindingPrefixes xjc jxb bindings schemaLocation xsd..
How to make generated classes contain Javadoc from XML Schema documentation tag might be appropriate as well. Edit 2 I've read about jxb javadoc . From what I understand I can specify that either in.. information as well. Providing the documentation in both jxb javadoc and xsd documentation feels wrong because I'm duplicating.. elements simple types etc are ignored. So I end up using jxb javadoc . To do so include the definition of xmlns jxb http..