

java Programming Glossary: javavm

what is wrong with this call to the java method?


will be called when the library is loaded. Then cache the JavaVM pointer because that is valid across threads. An alternative.. is valid across threads. An alternative is to call env GetJavaVM in the initializeJNIVars function but I prefer the first one... you will have to get the env pointer AttachCurrentThread JavaVM jvm JNIEnv env NULL Edit OK here are the code that you should..

Calling a java method from c++ in Android


JNIEnv env jobject obj jint depth JavaVM vm JNIEnv env JavaVMInitArgs vm_args vm_args.version JNI_VERSION_1_2.. JNIEnv env jobject obj jint depth JavaVM vm JNIEnv env JavaVMInitArgs vm_args vm_args.version JNI_VERSION_1_2 vm_args.nOptions.. 1 Construct a VM jint res JNI_CreateJavaVM vm void env vm_args Construct a String jstring jstr env NewStringUTF..

How to create encrypted Jar file?


encrypted JARs is not possible since the executing JavaVM has to somehow be able to read the data it wants to execute...

How do I load my own Java class in C on Android?


like this Some file.c void setThatImportantJavaProperty JavaVM vm AndroidGetJavaVM This returns a valid JavaVM object JNIEnv.. void setThatImportantJavaProperty JavaVM vm AndroidGetJavaVM This returns a valid JavaVM object JNIEnv env vm AttachCurrentThread.. JavaVM vm AndroidGetJavaVM This returns a valid JavaVM object JNIEnv env vm AttachCurrentThread vm env 0 jclass theSubClass..

new Date(long) gives different results


. You can do this by passing it as an argument to the JavaVM you may need to modify eclipse.ini or Maven equivalent config..

Embed Java into a C++ application?


it is #include jni.h where everything is defined int main JavaVM jvm denotes a Java VM JNIEnv env pointer to native method interface.. arguments and set the class path JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs vm_args vm_args.classpath ... load and initialize a.. a Java VM return a JNI interface pointer in env JNI_CreateJavaVM jvm env vm_args invoke the Main.test method using the JNI jclass..

How to access the Java method in a C++ application


jni.h #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv JavaVM vm JNIEnv env JavaVMInitArgs vm_args vm_args.version JNI_VERSION_1_2.. stdio.h int main int argc char argv JavaVM vm JNIEnv env JavaVMInitArgs vm_args vm_args.version JNI_VERSION_1_2 vm_args.nOptions.. 1 Construct a VM jint res JNI_CreateJavaVM vm void env vm_args Construct a String jstring jstr env NewStringUTF..