

java Programming Glossary: javassist

Tomcat 7 “SEVERE: A child container failed during start”


version 3.5.6 Final version dependency dependency groupId javassist groupId artifactId javassist artifactId version 3.11.0.GA version.. dependency dependency groupId javassist groupId artifactId javassist artifactId version 3.11.0.GA version dependency dependency groupId..

post-compilation removal of annotations from byte code


this end would be appreciated. java android annotations javassist bcel share improve this question I recommend BCEL 6. You..

What can be done with 'PermGen out of space' exception in Tomcat-Spring-Hibernate web application?


There are posts that says that the problem in use of javassist library and others and cglib library needed to be used. Others..

How to get the line number of a method?


to do the same thing and after some research settled on javassist. You will need to add javassist I used version 3.15.0 GA . Given.. some research settled on javassist. You will need to add javassist I used version 3.15.0 GA . Given the following class determine.. to create space void y System.out.println I'm y n import javassist.ClassPool import javassist.CtClass import javassist.CtMethod..

How do you use Java 1.6 Annotation Processing to perform compile time weaving?


include asm and maybe the highlevel wrappers cglib and javassist . You could even precompile your classes to generate a list..

Hibernate noob fetch join problem


INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment Bytecode provider name javassist 37 main INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp..

Hibernate 3.5.x: NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval


2.7.6.jar commons collections 3.1.jar dom4j 1.6.1.jar javassist 3.9.0.GA.jar jta 1.1.jar slf4j api 1.5.8.jar cglib 2.2.jar hibernate.. cglib cglib jar 2.2 compile asm asm jar 3.1 compile javassist javassist jar 3.9.0.GA compile org.hibernate.javax.persistence.. cglib jar 2.2 compile asm asm jar 3.1 compile javassist javassist jar 3.9.0.GA compile org.hibernate.javax.persistence hibernate..

Is there a java classfile / bytecode editor to edit instructions?


a look at the many byte code manipulation libraries like javassist which allow loading byte code manipulate it and save it back..

NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.SessionFactory.getCurrentSession()


version 2.7.7 version dependency dependency groupId javassist groupId artifactId javassist artifactId version 3.5.0.GA version.. dependency dependency groupId javassist groupId artifactId javassist artifactId version 3.5.0.GA version dependency dependencies..

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval()Z


cglib cglib jars cglib 2.2.jar asm asm jars asm 3.1.jar javassist javassist jars javassist 3.12.0.GA.jar org.hibernate hibernate.. jars cglib 2.2.jar asm asm jars asm 3.1.jar javassist javassist jars javassist 3.12.0.GA.jar org.hibernate hibernate search.. 2.2.jar asm asm jars asm 3.1.jar javassist javassist jars javassist 3.12.0.GA.jar org.hibernate hibernate search jars hibernate..

Can a Java class add a method to itself at runtime?


the method can be empty. java reflection code generation javassist share improve this question It's not simple. Once a class..

Reflections library not working when used in an Eclipse plug-in


ClassPath . lib dom4j 1.6.1.jar lib guava r08.jar lib javassist 3.12.1.GA.jar lib reflections 0.9.5.jar lib slf4j api 1.6.1.jar..

how to retransform a class at runtime


signatures The actual bytecode modification is done using Javassist in the ModifyMethodTest class. All the instrumentation does.. mind the reason the retransform is allowed is because the Javassist bytecode modification made no changes other than to inject code..

Alternatives to java.lang.reflect.Proxy for creating proxies of abstract classes (rather than interfaces)


proxy share improve this question It can be done using Javassist see ProxyFactory or CGLIB . Adam's example using Javassist I.. Javassist see ProxyFactory or CGLIB . Adam's example using Javassist I Adam Paynter wrote this code using Javassist ProxyFactory.. using Javassist I Adam Paynter wrote this code using Javassist ProxyFactory factory new ProxyFactory factory.setSuperclass..

How does Hibernate create proxies of concrete classes?


Since Hibernate 3.3 the default bytecode provider is now Javassist rather than CGLib. Hibernate Core Migration Guide 3.3 share..

Strange Jackson exception being thrown when serializing Hibernate object


found for class org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer.. level. This would prevent it from trying to handle the Javassist stuff and failing . This means that you then have to annotate..