

java Programming Glossary: instream

Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file


bufHttpEntity new BufferedHttpEntity entity InputStream instream bufHttpEntity.getContent Bitmap bmImg BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. Bitmap bmImg BitmapFactory.decodeStream instream instream.close Write image to a file in sd card File posterFile.. Bitmap bmImg BitmapFactory.decodeStream instream instream.close Write image to a file in sd card File posterFile new File..

Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app?


String result null if entity null InputStream instream entity.getContent BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new.. reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader instream StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder String line null while line.. reader.readLine null sb.append line n result sb.toString instream.close httpPost.abort return result null new JSONObject result..

Sending HTTP POST Request In Java


entity response.getEntity if entity null InputStream instream entity.getContent try do something useful finally instream.close.. instream entity.getContent try do something useful finally instream.close Original Answer I recommend to use Apache HttpClient...

How to download videos from youtube on java?


null response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 InputStream instream entity.getContent String videoInfo getStringFromInputStream.. String videoInfo getStringFromInputStream encoding instream if videoInfo null videoInfo.length 0 List NameValuePair infoMap.. 200 long length entity2.getContentLength InputStream instream2 entity2.getContent log.finer Writing length bytes to outputfile..

How can I send HTTP Basic Authentication headers in Android?


if entity null A Simple JSON Response Read InputStream instream entity.getContent String result convertStreamToString instream.. entity.getContent String result convertStreamToString instream A Simple JSONObject Creation JSONObject json new JSONObject.. Closing the input stream will trigger connection release instream.close return json catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace..

Android Java UTF-8 HttpClient Problem


if entity null A Simple JSON Response Read InputStream instream entity.getContent String jsonText convertStreamToString instream.. entity.getContent String jsonText convertStreamToString instream Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Response jsonText Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. if entity null A Simple JSON Response Read InputStream instream entity.getContent String jsonText convertStreamToString instream..

Converting input stream into bitmap


bufHttpEntity new BufferedHttpEntity entity InputStream instream bufHttpEntity.getContent bmp BitmapFactory.decodeStream instream..

HTTP API Request Using Java For Android


entity httpResponse.getEntity if entity null InputStream instream entity.getContent response convertStreamToString instream .. instream entity.getContent response convertStreamToString instream Closing the input stream will trigger connection release instream.close.. Closing the input stream will trigger connection release instream.close catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager..

Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android


BKS KeyStore.getDefaultType FileInputStream instream new FileInputStream new File mnt sdcard keystore.bks try trustStore.load.. new File mnt sdcard keystore.bks try trustStore.load instream 222222 .toCharArray catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e e.printStackTrace.. catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally try instream.close catch Exception ignore Create socket factory with given..

Java socket swingWorker running but no message received or transmitted


Connected String incomeMessage null while connected inStream connection.getInputStream inDataStream new DataInputStream.. inDataStream new DataInputStream inStream if myMessage null outStream connection.getOutputStream outDataStream..

is there any other way of creating an object without using “new” keyword in java [duplicate]


an object from its serialized form. ObjectInputStream inStream new ObjectInputStream anInputStream MyObject object MyObject.. ObjectInputStream anInputStream MyObject object MyObject inStream.readObject You can read from here share improve this answer..

Java RMI + SSL + Compression = IMPOSSIBLE!


WrappingSocketImpl extends SocketImpl private InputStream inStream private OutputStream outStream private Socket base WrappingSocketImpl.. base WrappingSocketImpl StreamPair pair Socket base this.inStream pair.input this.outStream pair.output this.base base A StreamPair.. methods protected InputStream getInputStream return inStream protected OutputStream getOutputStream return outStream protected..

Java URLConnection Timeout


false urlConn.setDoOutput true InputStream inStream urlConn.getInputStream InputSource input new InputSource inStream.. urlConn.getInputStream InputSource input new InputSource inStream And I am catching the SocketTimeoutException. Thanks Chris ..

Is there a workaround for Java's poor performance on walking huge directories?


String dirOptions Process theProcess null BufferedReader inStream null call the Hello class try theProcess Runtime.getRuntime.. read from the called program's standard output stream try inStream new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader theProcess.getInputStream.. InputStreamReader theProcess.getInputStream processFile inStream.readLine catch IOException e System.err.println Error on inStream.readLine..

Reading unicode character in java


StringBuilder stringBuilder new StringBuilder InputStream inStream new FileInputStream C a.txt final InputStreamReader streamReader.. final InputStreamReader streamReader new InputStreamReader inStream UTF 8 final BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader..

Upload a picture from Android to PHP server


conn null DataOutputStream dos null DataInputStream inStream null String exsistingFileName sdcard def.jpg Is this the place.. error ioe.getMessage ioe read the SERVER RESPONSE try inStream new DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String str while str.. DataInputStream conn.getInputStream String str while str inStream.readLine null Log.e MediaPlayer Server Response str inStream.close..

Implementation of X-modem protocol in Java


byte NAK 0x15 Negative AcKnowlege protected InputStream inStream protected OutputStream outStream protected PrintWriter errStream.. TModem InputStream is OutputStream os PrintWriter errs inStream is outStream os errStream errs Construct a TModem with default.. TModem with default files stdin and stdout . public TModem inStream System.in outStream System.out errStream new PrintWriter System.err..

Connect to internet : Google Custom Search in java app “not connecting” ()


entity response.getEntity if entity null InputStream inStream entity.getContent BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new.. reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader inStream int length 0 byte buffer new byte 2048 while length inStream.read.. int length 0 byte buffer new byte 2048 while length inStream.read buffer 1 System.out.println buffer String inputLine while..

What are all the different ways to create an object in Java?


an object from its serialized form. ObjectInputStream inStream new ObjectInputStream anInputStream MyObject object MyObject.. ObjectInputStream anInputStream MyObject object MyObject inStream.readObject You can read from here share improve this answer..