java Programming Glossary: indicating
How to set the maximum memory usage for JVM? use the arguments Xms Xmx M G after the numbers for indicating Megs and Gigs of bytes respectively. Xms indicates the minimum..
Java: Exceptions as control flow? 0 1 . Then the function just returns an object indicating that no match is found. Is this bad practice I could just check..
Table like java data structure the sij And that's it you should add a sort method indicating the direction and sort using the indexColumn It is VEEERY simple..
Process.waitFor(), threads, and InputStreams himself but I get an exception at least part of the time indicating that the stream is already closed when I attempt to do so. Edit..
Concatenate strings in JSF/JSP EL and Javascript functions.taglib.xml in your WEB INF add a context param indicating the location context param param name facelets.LIBRARIES param..
What is the difference between javac and the Eclipse compiler? will run fine. Otherwise it will throw an exception indicating that you tried to run code that doesn't compile. Another difference..
Guidelines on Exception propagation (in Java) then it is a good practice to throw an exception indicating the original point of failure instead of attempting to handle.. that the exception stack has been completely unwound indicating that no further bubbling of the exception has occurred. Hence..
Why does the JVM still not support tail-call optimization? IBM's JVM for version 1.3 purrs along without a problem indicating that it does transform the code in this way. share improve..
What is your favourite code coverage tool(s)? (Free and non-free) [closed] that are not being exercised by your tests. As well as indicating where you can improve your tests this can also identify pieces..
Programatically Start OSGi (Equinox)? would do this but I can't seem to find any documentation indicating such. I know I can start up Equinox like so BundleContext context..
Best way to represent a fraction in Java? Returns a negative zero or positive number indicating if this object is less than equal to or greater than f respectively...
Java - converting from OutputStream to InputStream Something that exposes an InputStream on the other hand is indicating that you will need to listen to this stream and there will be..
How to implement dynamic GUI in swing be negated i.e. applied with a NOT prefix and a property indicating whether these should be combined with AND or OR. The GUI would..
How to avoid request set ASYNC_SUPPORTED=true to enable async servlet 3.0 processing on Tomcat 7? by NetBeans 7.0.1. I could not find documentation indicating it is necessary to enable async request processing in servlet.. with a catalina attribute. I could not find documentation indicating something special was necessary at the Tomcat configuration..
Why does the java.util.Set<V> interface not provide a get(Object o) method? the matching element in a set. Perhaps a clearer way of indicating intent is to have a method like public interface Collection..
Why does InetAddress.isReachable return false, when I can ping the IP address? issue. Again there are several online resources indicating that there is no perfect way of doing this at the time of this..