java Programming Glossary: headaches
Updating an image contained in a JLabel - problems with no strings attached and the work is done without any headaches. And for Question 2 I had a bit of doubt as to what is Array..
Is it possible to specify which network interface for a JVM ( or IDE ) to use only but this ads performance problems and just general headaches of flipping between windows osx. I have so far been unable to..
how to make a composite primary key (java persistence annotation) private Role role Using this will save you a lot of headaches down the road as you'll find out when you frequently have to..
How does Java's System.exit() work with try/catch/finally blocks? work with try catch finally blocks I'm aware of headaches that involve returning in try catch finally blocks cases where..
Java <-> Scala interop: transparent List and Map conversion functions attempted to do. In practice it causes a lot of headaches. The root of the problem with this approach is Scala will automatically..
java Calendar, Date, and Time management for a multi-timezone application Calendar or Date classess. It will save you from many headaches. Make sure you read the Joda Time documentation and understand..
How to bundle a native library and a JNI library inside a JAR? Java API classes in one JAR file to avoid redistribution headaches. There seems to be an attempt at this at GitHub but It does..
Is the future of Java doomed in light ofthe current Google Oracle lawsuit? [closed] plans are with the language. In this is causing me some headaches since Oracle is only in this game for the money. They usually..
Why should I use the keyword “final” on a method parameter in Java? a simple example where using final can save some possible headaches public void setTest String test test test if you forget the..
How to get the decimal part of a float? which does not have rounding errors but has its own headaches IMHO. EDIT You may find this interesting. The default Float.toString..
Launch4j, NSIS, and duplicate pinned Windows 7 taskbar icons to implement the JRE install into NSIS and a ton of other headaches I've already been through and am trying to avoid. I'd really..
Java IO implementation of unix/linux “tail -f” can safely shut the thread down without any other headaches simply by calling stopReading or something similar. share improve..
another java generic question relation container containee . And it's always giving headaches to combine both of them formally even though it's somewhat used..
Java's Interface and Haskell's type class: differences and similarities? the programmer to follow this rule and also causes headaches when people want to make a function that uses this interface..
Java: how much time does an empty loop use? my experience these are among those that have created most headaches. Moreover JIT is being improved in any new version of Java and..