java Programming Glossary: hbase
NameNode: datanode everything is running good.Now when I setup hbase and then started hadoop and Hbase I saw that namenode is not.. anyone have an idea Thnaks alot java linux java ee hadoop hbase share improve this question Based on your comment you're.. a fundamental entry. Secondly Have you set up hadoop and hbase to run with external accessible services i'm not too up on hbase..
java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException in hive? exception is thrown and how can i fix it. java hadoop hbase hive share improve this question It is a very generic error..
Extending Hadoop's TableInputFormat to scan with a prefix used for distribution of timestamp keys prefix used for distribution of timestamp keys I have an hbase table who's key is a timestamp with a one byte random prefix.. event Reducer.class job java hadoop hbase share improve this question You're going to need to make..
What is the fastest way to bulk load data into HBase programmatically? args throws Exception if args.length 2 return 1 conf.set hbase.mapred.outputtable args 1 I got these conf parameters from a.. parameters from a presentation about Bulk Load conf.set hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles 25 conf.set hbase.hregion.memstore.block.multiplier.. Load conf.set hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles 25 conf.set hbase.hregion.memstore.block.multiplier 8 conf.set hbase.regionserver.handler.count..
NameNode: folks i am stucked in very strange problem.I am installing HBase and hadoop on another VM by accessing it from my machine.Now..
What is the fastest way to bulk load data into HBase programmatically? is the fastest way to bulk load data into HBase programmatically I have a Plain text file with possibly millions.. which needs custom parsing and I want to load it into an HBase table as fast as possible using Hadoop or HBase Java client.. it into an HBase table as fast as possible using Hadoop or HBase Java client . My current solution is based on a MapReduce job..