

java Programming Glossary: fx

JavaFX 2.0 + FXML. Updating scene values from a different Task


using Parent p FXMLLoader.load getClass .getResource foo.fxml Scene scene new Scene p stage.setScene scene After that i.. minWidth 356.0 prefHeight 526.0 prefWidth 356.0 xmlns fx http javafx.com fxml fx controller bar.foo I want to get the.. 356.0 prefHeight 526.0 prefWidth 356.0 xmlns fx http javafx.com fxml fx controller bar.foo I want to get the instance with..

Javafx 2.0 How-to Application.getParameters() in a Controller.java file


2.0 How to Application.getParameters in a Controller.java file.. Parent root FXMLLoader.load getClass .getResource MyView.fxml final Scene scene new javafx.scene.Scene root primaryStage.setScene.. .getResource MyView.fxml final Scene scene new javafx.scene.Scene root primaryStage.setScene scene primaryStage.show..

Combo-box key value pair in JavaFX 2


JavaFX. The combobox javadoc at http docs.oracle.com javafx 2 api index.html does not say much about key value pair. How.. have different display value and actual value java javafx 2 share improve this question You have 2 approaches 1. Simply.. setGraphic null else btn.setStyle item.getSalary 1000 fx base red fx base green btn.setText item.getName item.getSalary..

Playing audio using JavaFX MediaPlayer in a normal Java application?


Toolkit not initialized at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.runLater PlatformImpl.java 121 at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.runLater.. PlatformImpl.java 121 at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.runLater PlatformImpl.java 116 at javafx.application.Platform.runLater.. PlatformImpl.java 116 at javafx.application.Platform.runLater Platform.java 52 at javafx.scene.media.MediaPlayer.init..

How to have menus in java desktop application


construct the layouts and define the content items in fxml generated by the SceneBuilder tool if you prefer. JavaFX also.. the same location as HyperlinkedNavMenu.java.class .root fx background image url http images.all free download.com images.. linen_fabric_background_04_hd_picture_169825.jpg fx padding 15 fx font size 15 .navbar fx background color burlywood..

Compile JavaFX Code using ANT


Could not load definitions from resource com sun javafx tools ant antlib.xml. It could not be found. Build.XML contains.. contains project name XYZ default XYZ basedir XYZ xmlns fx javafx com.sun.javafx.tools.ant description simple example build.. project name XYZ default XYZ basedir XYZ xmlns fx javafx com.sun.javafx.tools.ant description simple example build file..

Updating TableView row appearance


using to change the appearance of the line .itemCancelado fx strikethrough true fx text fill red This style class is added.. of the line .itemCancelado fx strikethrough true fx text fill red This style class is added when the user mark the.. itens ... How can I update all columns java javafx 2 javafx tableview share improve this question Is there..

Highlighting Strings in JavaFX TextArea


checking such as the html tags and words count. java javafx spell checking highlighting javafx 2 share improve this question.. words count. java javafx spell checking highlighting javafx 2 share improve this question The JavaFX TextArea control.. new TextArea Here is some textz to highlight text.setStyle fx highlight fill lightgray fx highlight text fill firebrick fx..

What is the Rolls-Royce way to deploy a Java applet? [closed]


my question. I am also not considering web start or Java FX. My current solution is to include an additional small test..

How to wait for a transition to end in javafx 2.1?


question Busy waiting or even Thread.sleep on the JavaFX application thread is always a bad idea you tie up the thread.. For a responsive UI you need to run your logic on the FX application thread as quickly as possible then let the thread.. as possible then let the thread go so the rest of the JavaFX system can get on with it's processing. This is why the transitions..

JavaFX 2 - Catching all runtime exceptions


2 Catching all runtime exceptions I tried Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler..... registration is free and should be fixed in Lombard Java FX 8.0 to be released with Java 8 next year . You could alternatively..

Playing audio using JavaFX MediaPlayer in a normal Java application?


audio using JavaFX MediaPlayer in a normal Java application I need to be able.. Wav in a normal Java project. I'd prefer using the new JavaFX MediaPlayer rather than JMF. I wrote some code to test this.. I get that this has something to do with the JavaFX thread. My question is how can I solve this Do I need to create..

FullScreen Swing Components Fail to Receive Keyboard Input on Java 7 on Mac OS X Mountain Lion


of the JRE and JDK to Mac OS X and also including Java FX as part of the distribution. Further info is available in the.. that such an issue could crop up as support shifts to Java FX. The question becomes Will Oracle fix this in a near term release..

JavaFX or Swing? [closed]


or Swing closed I just wanted your input on something with.. to Java. Would it be a good investment to study JavaFX for my user interfaces or would sticking to Swing be easier.. answer tries to give a personal feedback of my use of JavaFX 2 so far The Integration with Swing in a one way street you..

Open hyperlink in another web view control


the hyperlinks in another web view in swing using Java FX Actually i am having two web view controls A n B on the same..

Disabled Java warning appearance & affect on Java Web Start apps


prompt if installed . If launching for example the JavaFX 1.2 demo. Powerful UI Capabilities With Node Based Controls.. warning on the applet mentioned above. Note that the Java FX demo. does itself have security risks prompts for 'application..

Integrating JavaFX 2.0 WebView into a Swing Java SE 6 Application


JavaFX 2.0 WebView into a Swing Java SE 6 Application I was looking.. an existing Swing Application and found WebView for Java FX 2.0. Furthermore I found a blog post on java.net showing how.. a blog post on java.net showing how to integrate a Java FX component into a Swing Application . So I guess it might be..