java Programming Glossary: eager
Making a OneToOne-relation lazy to one normally being mapped via shared PK so it has to be eagerly fetched anyway making proxy pointless. Here's a more detailed.. getOwner If you can't do that and can't live with eager fetching bytecode instrumentation is your only option. I have.. to agree with CPerkins however if you have 80 joins due to eager OneToOne associations you've got bigger problems then this ..
Lazy/Eager loading strategies in remoting cases (JPA) who try remoting with an ORM. In most cases switching to eager fetching solves the problem Lazy Loading Non atomic queries.. Non atomic queries Thread safety n 1 problem ... . But eager fetching has also disadvantages if you are dealing with a really.. object and let the object decide either to load lazy or eager Feels bad The domain layer should be independent from any service...
with java update 7.45 the system properties no more set from jnlp tag “property” myresjar ejb myres myres_ejb_client.jar main true download eager jar href myresjar ejb myres myres_ejb.jar download eager extension.. eager jar href myresjar ejb myres myres_ejb.jar download eager extension name jars href commonejbjars.jnlp extension name jars.. nativelib href myresjar myres native dlls.jar download eager resources application desc main class de.myapp.gui.desktop.mainframe.DesktopMainFrame..
JAVA: How to scale threads according to cpu cores? I'm not a good java programmer it's just my hobby but I'm eager to know more than average stuff. I want to solve a mathematical..
What is the difference between a soft reference and a weak reference in Java? is exactly like a weak reference except that it is less eager to throw away the object to which it refers. An object which..
How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup? for the record on JSF 2.x all you need to do is to add eager true to @ManagedBean on an @ApplicationScoped bean. @ManagedBean.. @ManagedBean on an @ApplicationScoped bean. @ManagedBean eager true @ApplicationScoped public class Bean ... It will then be..
How to reference constants in EL? in an application scoped bean as follows @ManagedBean eager true @ApplicationScoped public class Config @PostConstruct public..
Is Grails worth it? [closed] related issues. If it isn't Eclipse problems then it's eager loading fetching in the view one to many relationships weird..
Avoid synchronized(this) in Java? up on SO about Java synchronization some people are very eager to point out that synchronized this should be avoided. Instead..
JPA eager fetch does not join eager fetch does not join What exactly does JPA's fetch strategy.. strategy control I can't detect any difference between eager and lazy. In both cases JPA Hibernate does not automatically.. was my understanding that setting address's fetch type to eager will cause JPA Hibernate to automatically query with a join...
JLayeredPane and painting is a definitely not efficient. I think this is due to the eager painting behavior of JLayeredPane. Is there a way to disable..
Hibernate CollectionOfElements EAGER fetch duplicates elements CollectionOfElements EAGER fetch duplicates elements I have a class called SynonymMapping.. private String keyId @CollectionOfElements fetch FetchType.EAGER @CollectionOfElements @JoinTable name synonymmappingvalues joinColumns..
Hibernate Criteria returns children multiple times with FetchType.EAGER Criteria returns children multiple times with FetchType.EAGER I have an Order class that has a list of OrderTransactions.. is my question Why when I set the fetch type explicitly to EAGER do the Order 's appear multiple times in the resulting list.. targetEntity OrderTransaction.class fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade CascadeType.ALL public List OrderTransaction getOrderTransactions..
Hibernate noob fetch join problem Test2 @OneToOne cascade CascadeType.ALL fetch FetchType.EAGER @JoinColumn name test3_id @Fetch FetchMode.JOIN public Test3.. Test3 getTest3 return test3 NB I set the FetchType to EAGER out of desperation even though it defaults to EAGER anyway for.. to EAGER out of desperation even though it defaults to EAGER anyway for OneToOne mappings but it made no difference. Thanks..
Difference between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java persistence? between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java persistence Hi I am a newbie to Java persistence and.. What is the difference between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java persistence Thanks java hibernate orm jpa share improve..
JPA cascade persist and references to detached entities throws PersistentObjectException. Why? class Foo @OneToOne cascade PERSIST MERGE REFRESH fetch EAGER public Bar getBar return bar When I persist a new Foo it can..
JPA eager fetch does not join id public String name @ManyToOne fetch FetchType.LAZY or EAGER public Address address @Entity public class Address @Id public..