java Programming Glossary: e.getclickcount
ActionListener on JLabel or JTable cell new MouseAdapter public void mouseClicked MouseEvent e if e.getClickCount 2 JTable target JTable e.getSource int row target.getSelectedRow..
How to make a transparant Jframe in Java but keep everything else the same? @Override public void mouseClicked MouseEvent e if e.getClickCount 2 SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor e.getComponent .dispose..
Distinguish between a single click and a double click in Java see this codes public void mouseClicked MouseEvent e if e.getClickCount 2 System.out.println and it's a double click wasDoubleClick.. Timer delay this public void mouseClicked MouseEvent e if e.getClickCount 2 return lastEvent e if timer.isRunning timer.stop doubleClick..
java - catch event of double click on icon in tray
Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.swing.JTable viewColumn if viewColumn this.column e.getClickCount 1 column 1 System.out.println doClick ...... doClick @Override..
Individual and not continuous JTable's cell selection modifiers e.getX e.getY e.getXOnScreen e.getYOnScreen e.getClickCount e.isPopupTrigger e.getButton super.processMouseEvent myME .. modifiers e.getX e.getY e.getXOnScreen e.getYOnScreen e.getClickCount e.isPopupTrigger e.getButton super.processMouseEvent myME ..
Right Clicking on JButton MouseEvent e if SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton e e.getClickCount 1 if toggleButton.isEnabled toggleButton.setEnabled false..