

java Programming Glossary: downloadbitmap

android - Caused by: android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException [duplicate]


images chicken_soup.jpg private static Bitmap downloadBitmap private static BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable private static.. true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream downloadBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream is catch FileNotFoundException.. ImageView findViewById R.id.imview image.setImageBitmap downloadBitmap return null java android image url share improve this question..

Android - Set ImageView to URL


profile_images 670625317 aam logo v3 twitter.png image downloadBitmap http a3.twimg.com profile_images 670625317 aam logo v3 twitter.png.. if image null iv.setImageBitmap image private Bitmap downloadBitmap String url initilize the default HTTP client object final DefaultHttpClient..