

java Programming Glossary: doublevalue

How to Compare Two Numbers in Java? [duplicate]


to do Number does not implement Comparable . Can't use doubleValue as there might be a loss of precision from BigDecimals or BigIntegers...

“new BigDecimal(13.3D)” results in imprecise “13.3000000000000007105..”?


intended consequence Also I realise that BigDecimal has doubleValue etc but the library that I am working with helpfully uses a..

Best way to represent a fraction in Java?


this.denominator public byte byteValue return byte this.doubleValue public double doubleValue return double numerator double denominator.. byte byteValue return byte this.doubleValue public double doubleValue return double numerator double denominator public float floatValue.. denominator public float floatValue return float this.doubleValue public int intValue return int this.doubleValue public long..

Why doesn't java.lang.Number implement Comparable?


. How would you implement it Using something like doubleValue wouldn't do it reliably. Remember the Number subtypes are Byte.. byteValue shortValue intValue longValue floatValue and doubleValue . So I guess Sun made the reasonable decision that Number s..

Java: is there no AtomicFloat or AtomicDouble?


expect floatToIntBits update public double doubleValue return double floatValue public int intValue return int get..