

java Programming Glossary: dorun

Blinking Tray Icon


public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e Runnable doRun new Runnable @Override public void run Image img trayIcon.getImage.. trayIcon.setImage image SwingUtilities.invokeLater doRun public static void main String args ActiveTray activeTray..

How to load a jar file at runtime


extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun ctor.newInstance doRun.run Class loaders no longer used can.. runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun ctor.newInstance doRun.run Class loaders no longer used can be garbage collected unless..

Why is Class.newInstance() “evil”?


extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun ctor.newInstance so why is it Evil java constructor runtime..

How to know if other threads have finished?


this @Override public final void run try doRun finally notifyListeners public abstract void doRun and then.. try doRun finally notifyListeners public abstract void doRun and then each of your Threads will extend NotifyingThread and.. and instead of implementing run it will implement doRun . Thus when they complete they will automatically notify anyone..

jFormattedTextField's Formatter.setCommitsOnValidEdit(true) doesn't work at first focus


@Override public void focusLost FocusEvent e Runnable doRun new Runnable @Override public void run double t1a1 Number.. amount SwingUtilities.invokeLater doRun docLabel.setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 14 docLabel.setForeground.. .doubleValue if t1a1 1000 Runnable doRun new Runnable @Override public void run formTextField1.setValue..

Why never change the notifier in receiving a change event


changeTableValues private void changeTableValues Runnable doRun new Runnable @Override public void run table.getModel .setValueAt.. random.nextInt 128 2 2 SwingUtilities.invokeLater doRun private class MyTask extends SwingWorker Void Integer private..

Passing current Date


if Pattern.compile 123456789 .matcher str .find Runnable doRun new Runnable @Override public void run tbl.setValueAt 9.. run tbl.setValueAt 9 r c SwingUtilities.invokeLater doRun if bolo Vector Integer vecLocal1 vec.elementAt 0 final int.. 0 final int c1 vecLocal1.elementAt 1 Runnable doRun1 new Runnable @Override public void run tbl.setValueAt..