java Programming Glossary: conn.connect
android - Caused by: android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException [duplicate] myFileUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream downloadBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. myFileUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream downloadBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream..
Java doesn't follow redirect in URLConnection Gecko 2009060215 Firefox 3.0.11 .NET CLR 3.5.30729 conn.connect is conn.getInputStream String res conn.getURL .toString if..
Android FileNotFound Exception - Cannot getInputStream from image URL that does not have file format imageUrl.openConnection conn.setDoInput true conn.connect int length conn.getContentLength InputStream is conn.getInputStream..
Safe use of HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection uri.getURI .toURL .openConnection conn.connect check for content type I don't care about if conn.getContentType.equals..
GWT - did you forget to inherit a required module?
URLConnection with Cookies?
Converting input stream into bitmap Android Honeycomb URLConnection conn url.openConnection conn.connect inputStream conn.getInputStream bufferedInputStream new BufferedInputStream.. My previous code URLConnection conn url.openConnection conn.connect inputStream conn.getInputStream bufferedInputStream new BufferedInputStream..
Parsing html in java for an android app will get a 404 conn HttpURLConnection page.openConnection conn.connect use this if you need to int responseCode conn.getResponseCode..