java Programming Glossary: confirmed
Java: How to draw non-scrolling overlay over ScrollPane Viewport? into based on some user action. I presume but have not yet confirmed that the ScrollPane implementation handles rendering of the..
org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found when importing Gears API in GWT as follows I've even opened the gwt gears.jar file and confirmed that org apache xerces jaxp SAXParserFactoryImpl.class does..
When do we get java.lang.NoSuchMethodError even when the jar/class has the particualar method opened the Itext jar PdfPtable.class in JD Decompiler and confirmed that the class has completeRow as a public method. Can somebody..
Xpath transformation not working in java the whole document is signed instead of just the UserID. I confirmed this by changing the value of testing element after signing..
How can I inject in @FacesConverter? can however not tell that for CDI beans. The JSF guys have confirmed this embarrassing oversight and they will make the @FacesConverter.. Software caused connection abort: recv failed Windows in this case . The URI is definitely available as confirmed by asking the browser to do the fetch . Relevant code BufferedReader..
Is java.sql.Timestamp timezone specific? same given dateTime 20121225 10 00 00 not in UTC. I have confirmed from the below sql. select to_char sched_start_time 'yyyy mm..
Is it feasible to create a REST client with Flex? make me think it's fairly well supported but I've not confirmed that yet. Another issue arises around being able to read the..
How good is Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP) cache setPoolable I submitted both issues to oracle they confirmed it and will probably fix it when oracle 12.0 will be released...
How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses? being guaranteed. ARE THESE PROBLEMS NOT REAL Okay I just confirmed thanks to setAccessible Java strings are NOT immutable. import..
Generics compiles and runs in Eclipse, but doesn't compile in javac compiler errors share improve this question This is a confirmed bug Bug ID 6468354 . Here's an extract of relevance This problem..
How can a socket be both connected and closed? the socket is connected to a server . The behavior can be confirmed by looking at the source of Socket public boolean isConnected..
How do I correctly decode unicode parameters passed to a servlet ' encodeURIComponent lnk.title return false script I have confirmed external_title gets encoded as Yahoo E2 84 A2 and passed to..
How to prevent parameter binding from interpreting commas in Spring 3.0.5? output appears with Spring 3.0.4.RELEASE . I've now confirmed this is the case and thus is a temporary fix. I'll go ahead..
Handling HttpClient Redirects NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user since this might change the conditions under which..
read/write to Windows Registry using Java being used here with wrong results. Suggested by davenpcj confirmed by Petrucio int maxlen info 3 value length max for int index..
Hibernate: “Field 'id' doesn't have a default value” eg Long id 20L . Could anyone shed some light EDIT 2 confirmed messing with @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.XXX doesn't..
SLF4J NoSuchMethodError on LocationAwareLogger to commons logging libraries either I excluded them all as confirmed by the dependency tree. How can I resolve this issue I'm running..
Java Large Files Disk IO Performance much. More important is the correct buffer size. This is confirmed by my own experiments. As the files are read in big chunks even..
Automatic login to JSF application on revisits, after once logged in when the logged in user has been confirmed to be absent. If the cookie is found and is valid then auto..