java Programming Glossary: conf.set
Implementation for CombineFileInputFormat Hadoop 0.20.205 something like follows in your run ... if argument null conf.set mapred.max.split.size argument else conf.set mapred.max.split.size.. null conf.set mapred.max.split.size argument else conf.set mapred.max.split.size 134217728 128 MB ... conf.setInputFormat.. else conf.set mapred.max.split.size 134217728 128 MB ... conf.setInputFormat CombinedInputFormat.class ... share improve this..
What is the fastest way to bulk load data into HBase programmatically? run String args throws Exception if args.length 2 return 1 conf.set hbase.mapred.outputtable args 1 I got these conf parameters.. these conf parameters from a presentation about Bulk Load conf.set hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles 25 conf.set hbase.hregion.memstore.block.multiplier.. Bulk Load conf.set hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles 25 conf.set hbase.hregion.memstore.block.multiplier 8 conf.set hbase.regionserver.handler.count..
Calling a mapreduce job from a simple java program via this should be like defined in your mapred site.xml conf.set mapred.job.tracker 50001 like defined in hdfs.. 50001 like defined in hdfs site.xml conf.set hdfs 9000 This should be no problem..