java Programming Glossary: bi.getheight
Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface CompassButtons BufferedImage bi int w bi.getWidth int h bi.getHeight int step w 3 JPanel p new JPanel new GridLayout 3 3 p.setOpaque..
How do I flip an image horizontally flip with glReadPixels() Bufferedimage and out put with ImageIO? bi BufferedImage flipped new BufferedImage bi.getWidth bi.getHeight bi.getType AffineTransform tran AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance..
Event detection on opaque pixels in JButton bi setPreferredSize new Dimension bi.getWidth bi.getHeight bi @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics..
Threads with Key Bindings i for every x y component in the given box for int j 0 j bi.getHeight j pixel bi.getRGB i j get the RGB value of the pixel a pixel..
How can I set the priority mouse listener i for every x y component in the given box for int j 0 j bi.getHeight j pixel bi.getRGB i j get the RGB value of the pixel a pixel..
Java: how to do fast copy of a BufferedImage's pixels? (unit test included) int color for int x 0 x bi.getWidth x for int y 0 y bi.getHeight y bi.setRGB x y color java bufferedimage share improve..
java image crop Rectangle clip goal.intersection new Rectangle bi.getWidth bi.getHeight Now clip corresponds to the portion of bi that will fit within..
How to combine multiple PNGs into one big PNG file? g.drawImage bi x y null x 256 if x result.getWidth x 0 y bi.getHeight Finally write it out to file ImageIO.write result png new File..
how to handle bad file selection for image display in swing this.setPreferredSize new Dimension bi.getWidth bi.getHeight catch Exception e bi null this.revalidate this.repaint @Override.. if bi null setPreferredSize new Dimension bi.getWidth bi.getHeight this.revalidate this.repaint return bi null @Override public..
Rotate JLabel or ImageIcon on Java Swing getPreferredSize return new Dimension bi.getWidth bi.getHeight @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent.. g2 Graphics2D g g2.rotate Math.PI 4 bi.getWidth 2 bi.getHeight 2 g2.drawImage bi 0 0 null frame.pack frame.setVisible true..
Why does ImageReader return incorrect BufferedImage? bi i System.out.println i bi.getWidth bi.getHeight catch IndexOutOfBoundsException e ignored Console 1 200 220..
Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame 255 255 255 128 g.fillRoundRect 0 0 bi.getWidth f bi.getHeight f 15 10 g.setColor textLabel.paint g Graphics..
Smoothing a jagged path for int xx 0 xx bi.getWidth xx for int yy 0 yy bi.getHeight yy if bi.getRGB xx yy targetRGB if cont gp.lineTo xx yy ..
Stretch a JLabel text g2d.setColor getBackground g2d.fillRect 0 0 bi.getWidth bi.getHeight g2d.setColor getForeground layout.draw g2d 0 r.y g2d.dispose..