java Programming Glossary: at.scale
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? 2 img.getWidth scale 2 getHeight 2 img.getHeight scale 2 at.scale scale scale g2d.setTransform at g2d.drawImage img 0 0 this..
Scaling/Translating a Shape to a given Rectangle using AffineTransform scaled and finally translated. at.translate SIZE 2 SIZE 2 at.scale 60 60 at.rotate Math.PI 4 return at.createTransformedShape .....
How to scale a BufferedImage AffineTransform at new AffineTransform at.scale 2.0 2.0 AffineTransformOp scaleOp new AffineTransformOp at AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR..
Rotating BufferedImage instances Math.PI 4 2. just a scale because this image is big at.scale 0.5 0.5 1. translate the object so that you rotate it around..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis at new AffineTransform at.setToRotation .02 250 250 at.scale 1 1 Point2D rotated at.transform original null p2x i int rotated.getX.. g2d.drawPolygon p2 at.setToIdentity at.translate w 2 h 2 at.scale scale scale at.translate p3x 5 10 p3y 5 g2d.setPaint
Printing a large Swing component g2d g2d.dispose AffineTransform at new AffineTransform at.scale SCALE SCALE AffineTransformOp scaleOp new AffineTransformOp..