java Programming Glossary: api's
Get current active window's title in Java SWT libs since SWT provides wrappers for a lot of the OS API's e.g. SWT on Cocoa has the org.eclipse.swt.internal.cocoa.OS#objc_msgSend..
java drag and drop major issues I can see are you are mixing two different API's. You're using both the low level D'n'D API and the newer component..
How can an EJB parallelize a long, CPU intensive process? use case. If you are using WebSphere or WebLogic these API's are already available in your server. For others your will have..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance I deliberately omitted the do it yourself option the API's above provide a good control over what to and what not to clone..
Most idiomatic way to print a time difference in Java? either using Apache Commons or even the dreaded platform API's Date Time objects In other words what is the shortest simplest..
Difference between a deprecated and a legacy API? a deprecated and a legacy API I was studying the legacy API's in the Java's Collection Framework and I learnt that classes..
When to use Spring Integration vs. Camel? and use Spring to configure part of it. The programming API's are clear and there is a large set of sensible components. We..
Where I can find a detailed comparison of Java XML frameworks? the initial days of SAX and DOM people wanted simpler API's than provided by either of them. JDOM dom4j XmlBeans JiBX Castor..
Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC the API you use. You need READ_PHONE_STATE for most of the API's in addition the documentation for getNeighboringCellInfo mentions..
What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate] classes state of the current environment etcetera. In some API's you see this name back in an interface class e.g. Servlet's..
Find an array inside another larger array for a job. They would be written using just core Java API's and any test framework of my choice. Unit tests should be implemented.. this question The requirement of using just core Java API's could also mean that they wanted to see whether you would reinvent..
Java : Expose only a single package in a jar file apply only within a language level module and access to API's from outside a module would be restricted to API's the module.. to API's from outside a module would be restricted to API's the module explicitly exports. Now I believe the expert group..
Add a web service to a already available Java project 2 annotations of @WebService and @WebMethod . Read their API's which are linked and configure them as required. This example..
Should I use Java date and time classes or go with a 3rd party library like Joda Time? use properly just look at the rules for how the calendar API's date time arithmetic works. Building anything on top of these..
In the context of Java Servlet what is the difference between URL Rewriting and Forwarding? forward as defined by forward method in the Servlet API's and URL rewriting. The question clearly states that the answer..
Android REST client, Sample? String doInBackground String... arg0 Use HTTP client API's to do the POST Return response. @Override protected void onPostExecute..
Comparing functionality between KeyListeners and Key Bindings of the alphabet. But again in many cases there are better API's to use. For example instead of listening for KeyEvents on a..