c++ Programming Glossary: x_crop_blocks
Need help compiling jpegtran.c code from libjpeg http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14631530/need-help-compiling-jpegtran-c-code-from-libjpeg comp_width comp_height dst_blk_x dst_blk_y JDIMENSION x_crop_blocks y_crop_blocks int ci i j offset_y JBLOCKARRAY src_buffer dst_buffer.. h_samp_factor comp_height MCU_rows compptr v_samp_factor x_crop_blocks x_crop_offset compptr h_samp_factor y_crop_blocks y_crop_offset.. dst_blk_x dst_ptr dst_row_ptr dst_blk_x if x_crop_blocks dst_blk_x comp_width Process the blocks that can be mirrored..