c++ Programming Glossary: utf16
Writing utf16 to file in binary mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/207662/writing-utf16-to-file-in-binary-mode test.txt in for example Firefox with encoding set to UTF16 it will show as h�e�l�l�oï¿ p Could anyone tell me why this happens..
utfcpp and Win32 wide API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3329718/utfcpp-and-win32-wide-api Thanks UPDATE Thanks to Hans below I now have an easy UTF8 UTF16 conversion through the Windows API. Two way conversion works.. Windows API. Two way conversion works but the UTF8 from UTF16 string has some extra characters that might cause me some trouble.. later on... . I'll share it here out of pure friendliness UTF16 UTF8 conversion std string toUTF8 const std wstring input get..
WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6300804/wchars-encodings-standards-and-portability typedef std basic_string uint32_t U32String U16String toUTF16 std wstring s U32String toUTF32 std wstring s ... Is this the.. data e.g. char16_t sequences that do not constitute valid UTF16 e.g. naked surrogates are valid NTFS filenames . The Standard..
Unicode encoding for string literals in C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6796157/unicode-encoding-for-string-literals-in-c11 character no semantics char16_t c u' u00F6' 16 bit assumed UTF16 char32_t d U' U0010FFFF' 32 bit assumed UCS 4 And the string.. and the non BMP codepoint gets encoded into a two unit UTF16 sequence And similarly for u8 In 1 can I write lone surrogates.. and the non BMP codepoint gets encoded into a two unit UTF16 sequence u creates a UTF 16 encoded string. u8 creates a UTF..
What does `<cuchar>` provide, and where is it documented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7562609/what-does-cuchar-provide-and-where-is-it-documented types and literals that are specifically designed for UTF16 and UTF32 but I didn't think the language would actually contain..
How to open an std::fstream (ofstream or ifstream) with a unicode filename? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/821873/how-to-open-an-stdfstream-ofstream-or-ifstream-with-a-unicode-filename on Windows is not UTF8 on other OS'es wchar_t may not be UTF16. So overall this isn't likely to be portable. Opening a stream..
Why does wide file-stream in C++ narrow written data by default? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1509277/why-does-wide-file-stream-in-c-narrow-written-data-by-default is codecvt for utf8 in Boost . Also there is a codecvt for utf16 by Martin York here on SO . The question is why the standard..
Writing utf16 to file in binary mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/207662/writing-utf16-to-file-in-binary-mode utf16 to file in binary mode I'm trying to write a wstring to file..
how to convert UTF-8 std::string to UTF-16 std::wstring http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7153935/how-to-convert-utf-8-stdstring-to-utf-16-stdwstring returns the equivalent UTF 16 wstring. std wstring utf8_to_utf16 const std string utf8 std vector unsigned long unicode size_t.. not a UTF 8 string unicode.push_back uni std wstring utf16 for size_t i 0 i unicode.size i unsigned long uni unicode i.. unicode.size i unsigned long uni unicode i if uni 0xFFFF utf16 wchar_t uni else uni 0x10000 utf16 wchar_t uni 10 0xD800 utf16..