c++ Programming Glossary: ushort
Print n levels of callstack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1341796/print-n-levels-of-callstack as well the most reliable way is the Win32 API function USHORT WINAPI CaptureStackBackTrace __in ULONG FramesToSkip __in ULONG..
How to get list of GDI handles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13905661/how-to-get-list-of-gdi-handles defines a GDI CELL typedef struct LPVOID pKernelAddress USHORT wProcessId USHORT wCount USHORT wUpper USHORT wType LPVOID pUserAddress.. typedef struct LPVOID pKernelAddress USHORT wProcessId USHORT wCount USHORT wUpper USHORT wType LPVOID pUserAddress GDICELL.. LPVOID pKernelAddress USHORT wProcessId USHORT wCount USHORT wUpper USHORT wType LPVOID pUserAddress GDICELL defines a GDI..
POINTER_32 - what is it, and why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3447812/pointer-32-what-is-it-and-why For example typedef struct _SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT32 USHORT Length UCHAR ScsiStatus UCHAR PathId UCHAR TargetId UCHAR Lun..
How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/590160/how-to-log-stack-frames-with-windows-x64 to be a valid code address. Trial 3 Using Backtrace static USHORT WINAPI s_pfnCaptureStackBackTrace ULONG ULONG PVOID PULONG 0.. my SDK i call it via GetProcAddress LoadLibrary typedef USHORT WINAPI CaptureStackBackTraceType __in ULONG __in ULONG __out..
std::thread creation throws exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9945391/stdthread-creation-throws-exception
Pointers in C# to Retrieve Reference From DllImport Function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2344929/pointers-in-c-sharp-to-retrieve-reference-from-dllimport-function public uint couponFee3 public uint couponFee4 public ushort dstay Day Stay public ushort mstay Minute Stay StructLayout.. public uint couponFee4 public ushort dstay Day Stay public ushort mstay Minute Stay StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential Pack 1..
PInvokeStackImbalance C# call to unmanaged C++ function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2390407/pinvokestackimbalance-c-sharp-call-to-unmanaged-c-function SizeConst 10 public string field4 public ushort field5 public ushort field6 public ushort field7 public short.. 10 public string field4 public ushort field5 public ushort field6 public ushort field7 public short field8 public short.. field4 public ushort field5 public ushort field6 public ushort field7 public short field8 public short field9 public uint field10..
pinvokestackimbalance — how can I fix this or turn it off? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3506796/pinvokestackimbalance-how-can-i-fix-this-or-turn-it-off extern void FasterFunction MarshalAs UnmanagedType.LPArray ushort inImage IntPtr inImage MarshalAs UnmanagedType.LPArray byte..
c++ passing a const object reference to a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9327437/c-passing-a-const-object-reference-to-a-function array. QByteArray ba const char m_output.data sizeof ushort playbackBuffer.append ba i really need to pass this array into..