c++ Programming Glossary: unordered
Correct signature of / detect presence of Container::reserve() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14882588/correct-signature-of-detect-presence-of-containerreserve This works for C being std vector but not for the unordered containers e.g. std unordered_set . The reason is that reserve.. std vector but not for the unordered containers e.g. std unordered_set . The reason is that reserve is a direct member function.. is a direct member function of std vector but for the unordered containers it is inherited from a base class i.e. its signature..
C++ unordered_map using a custom class type as the key http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17016175/c-unordered-map-using-a-custom-class-type-as-the-key unordered_map using a custom class type as the key I am trying to use.. as the key I am trying to use a custom class as key for unordered_map like the following #include iostream #include algorithm.. following #include iostream #include algorithm #include unordered_map #include map using namespace std class node class Solution..
C++ Static member initalization (template fun inside) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1819131/c-static-member-initalization-template-fun-inside object with static storage duration is either ordered or unordered. Definitions of explicitly specialized class template static.. implicitly or explicitly instantiated specializations have unordered initialization. This means to your code that 1 and 2 commented..
a C++ hash map that preserves the order of insertion [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1899564/a-c-hash-map-that-preserves-the-order-of-insertion I have the following code #include iostream #include boost unordered_map.hpp using namespace std using namespace boost int main typedef.. using namespace std using namespace boost int main typedef unordered_map int int Map typedef Map const_iterator It Map m m 11 0 m.. so that the iterator follows the order of insertion c unordered map html lists multi index share improve this question #include..
Are there any better methods to do permutation of string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995328/are-there-any-better-methods-to-do-permutation-of-string non recursive algorithm in C from the Wikipedia entry for unordered generation of permutations . For the string s of length n for..
I would like to see a hash_map example in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2179946/i-would-like-to-see-a-hash-map-example-in-c does and these are already supported by g in the shape of unordered maps #include unordered_map #include iostream #include string.. supported by g in the shape of unordered maps #include unordered_map #include iostream #include string using namespace std int.. iostream #include string using namespace std int main unordered_map string int m m foo 42 cout m foo endl In order to get this..
Is there any advantage of using map over unordered_map in case of trivial keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196995/is-there-any-advantage-of-using-map-over-unordered-map-in-case-of-trivial-keys there any advantage of using map over unordered_map in case of trivial keys A recent talk about unordered_map.. unordered_map in case of trivial keys A recent talk about unordered_map in C made me realize that I should use unordered_map for.. about unordered_map in C made me realize that I should use unordered_map for most cases where I used map before because of the efficiency..
How can std::make_heap be implemented while making at most 3N comparisons? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6299859/how-can-stdmake-heap-be-implemented-while-making-at-most-3n-comparisons should do no more than 3 N comparisons. I.e. heapify an unordered collection can be done in O N @brief Construct a heap over a..
C++ compiler that supports C++0x features? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/657511/c-compiler-that-supports-c0x-features Regular expression parsing New containers tuple array unordered set etc Sophisticated random number generators Polymorphic function..
What does `std::kill_dependency` do, and why would I want to use it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7150395/what-does-stdkill-dependency-do-and-why-would-i-want-to-use-it it is allowed to effectively do this predicted_r2 x index unordered load r1 x ordered load r2 r1 index do_something_with a predicted_r2.. value to be available Or even this predicted_r2 x index unordered load predicted_a a predicted_r2 get the CPU loading it early.. it all the way up do_something_with a x index completely unordered r1 x ordered r2 r1 index ordered This allows the compiler a..
How to remove constness of const_iterator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/765148/how-to-remove-constness-of-const-iterator time complexity in C 11 for any sequence associative or unordered associative container including all of the Standard Library..
How to specialize std::hash<Key>::operator() for user-defined type in unordered containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8157937/how-to-specialize-stdhashkeyoperator-for-user-defined-type-in-unordered specialize std hash Key operator for user defined type in unordered containers To support user defined key types in std unordered_set.. containers To support user defined key types in std unordered_set Key and std unordered_map Key Value one has to provide operator.. user defined key types in std unordered_set Key and std unordered_map Key Value one has to provide operator Key Key and a hash..