c++ Programming Glossary: unknown
How to detect whether there is a specific member variable in class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1005476/how-to-detect-whether-there-is-a-specific-member-variable-in-class P1 int x struct P2 float X it also could be struct P3 unknown_type X int main P1 p1 1 P2 p2 1 Check_x p1 must return true.. are only for example. There are could be any classes with unknown members. c visual studio templates g sfinae share improve..
std::endl is of unknown type when overloading operator<< http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1134388/stdendl-is-of-unknown-type-when-overloading-operator endl is of unknown type when overloading operator I overloaded operator template..
Fast String Hashing Algorithm with low collision rates with 32 bit integer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/114085/fast-string-hashing-algorithm-with-low-collision-rates-with-32-bit-integer well to speed up comparisons. The entire set of names is unknown and changes over time . What is a fast string hashing algorithm..
function passed as template argument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1174169/function-passed-as-template-argument
When does a constexpr function get evaluated at compile time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14248235/when-does-a-constexpr-function-get-evaluated-at-compile-time cin i std cout POW i 2 std endl return 0 In this case i is unknown at compile time which is probably the reason why the compiler..
std::function vs template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14677997/stdfunction-vs-template adheres to a specific signature but whose concrete type is unknown at compile time. This is typically the case when you have a..
How do you understand dependent names in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1527849/how-do-you-understand-dependent-names-in-c The definition of the toInt member of the as yet unknown type x variable only has to appear before the addInt function..
casting via void* instead of using reinterpret_cast http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1863069/casting-via-void-instead-of-using-reinterpret-cast void pointer to void can be used to point to objects of unknown type. A void shall be able to hold any object pointer. A cv..
How can I avoid including class implementation files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037880/how-can-i-avoid-including-class-implementation-files e.what n return 1 or EXIT_FAILURE etc. catch ... std cerr unknown uncaught exception n return 1 or EXIT_FAILURE etc. share improve..
C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355650/c-html-template-framework-templatizing-library-html-generator-library to use Language C low level C interface mixed Last Update unknown Last Release unknown Document none Community none HTML Template.. level C interface mixed Last Update unknown Last Release unknown Document none Community none HTML Template C Site http nulidex.com..
Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4340396/does-the-c-standard-mandate-poor-performance-for-iostreams-or-am-i-just-deali are per iteration of the outer k loop. On ideone gcc 4.3.4 unknown OS and hardware ostringstream 53 milliseconds stringbuf 27 ms..
int vs const int& http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4705593/int-vs-const-int the compiler is forced to be paranoid and every time any unknown code is executed it must assume that all referenced objects..
C++ SMTP Example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58210/c-smtp-example host_id if hp struct hostent 0 fprintf stderr s unknown host n host_id exit 2 Connect to port 25 on remote host memcpy..
Accessing inherited variable from templated parent class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605497/accessing-inherited-variable-from-templated-parent-class is defined. The definition of a dependent base class is unknown at that time specializations of the base class template may..
Template instantiation details of GCC and MS compilers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7182359/template-instantiation-details-of-gcc-and-ms-compilers int main note no single instantiation Mine is a completely unknown symbol to the compiler unlike this for which the compiler could.. instantiation time this is also an often misunderstood or unknown concept many C programmers assume that templates are not parsed..
In a templated derived class, why do I need to qualify base class member names with “this->” inside a member function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7908248/in-a-templated-derived-class-why-do-i-need-to-qualify-base-class-member-names-w of Derived T as a known complete class sometimes and as an unknown class some other times in inconsistent well you are right. ..
Cross-platform way to get line number of an INI file where given option was found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8358975/cross-platform-way-to-get-line-number-of-an-ini-file-where-given-option-was-foun wild secsion is found i tell line 55 section Hahaha is unknown . update i know about INI is older than mammoth but currently..
Should I use an exception specifier in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/88573/should-i-use-an-exception-specifier-in-c the parameter passing might throw and x might throw some unknown exception. Exception specifications tend to prohibit extensibility...
Is there a simpler Windows C++ Subversion API or an example .vcproj for minimal_client.c? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1104235/is-there-a-simpler-windows-c-subversion-api-or-an-example-vcproj-for-minimal exception of type 'System.TypeLoadException' occurred in Unknown Module. Additional information Could not load type apr_pool_t..
How do I add Objective C code to a FireBreath Project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12325559/how-do-i-add-objective-c-code-to-a-firebreath-project file Parse Issue Expected unqualified id Parse Issue Unknown type name 'NSString' Semantic Issue Use of undeclared identifier.. Issue Use of undeclared identifier 'NSString' Parse Issue Unknown type name 'NSString' ... ... Semantic Issue Use of undeclared..
Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13515964/unknown-modules-in-qt-webkit module s in QT webkit Added QT network webkit and I tried just.. qmake from inside the QtCreator and got this error error Unknown module s in QT webkit I really need to make use of these includes..
How to get list of GDI handles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13905661/how-to-get-list-of-gdi-handles Pen handle 0x 08X n gdiHandle break default printf Unknown type handle 0x 08X n gdiHandle break free table else we're.. Pen handle 0x 08X n gdiHandle break default printf Unknown type handle 0x 08X n gdiHandle break free table CloseHandle..
How do I build boost with new Visual Studio 2013 preview? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17440810/how-do-i-build-boost-with-new-visual-studio-2013-preview Boost 1.54 for Visual Studio 2013 Preview MSVC12 it warns Unknown compiler version please run the configure tests and report the..
How do I call eval() in IE from C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18342200/how-do-i-call-eval-in-ie-from-c out in the comments Invoke was returning error 0x80020006 Unknown name . However a test HTA app worked just fine what made me..
Displaying exception debug information to users http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964478/displaying-exception-debug-information-to-users an error return EXIT_FAILURE catch ... std cerr Unknown exception std endl return EXIT_FAILURE share improve this..
Vim: source code formatting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4142347/vim-source-code-formatting Take a look at the enum enum TestEnum First 1 Second 2 Unknown 3 TestTestTest 100 Zero 0 Foo 123 How can I use the whole power.. power of Vim to reformat it enum TestEnum First 1 Second 2 Unknown 3 TestTestTest 100 Zero 0 Foo 123 Personally I'm moving line..
Thrift vs Protocol buffers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4293385/thrift-vs-protocol-buffers have if not better more accessible documentation. Neutral Unknown size of .lib .dll on Windows Thrift . Large size of .lib on..
What type should I catch if I throw a string literal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4831523/what-type-should-i-catch-if-i-throw-a-string-literal endl catch char error cerr Error error endl catch ... cerr Unknown error endl And I get Unknow error on the console. But if I static..
Finding compiler vendor / version using qmake http://stackoverflow.com/questions/801279/finding-compiler-vendor-version-using-qmake e 3. 0 9 message g version 3.x found CONFIG g 3 else error Unknown system compiler configuration Then later when you want to use..
Compiling a basic CGAL program in C++ on Mac OS X 10.7.2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8404968/compiling-a-basic-cgal-program-in-c-on-mac-os-x-10-7-2 at CMakeLists.txt 26 create_single_source_cgal_program Unknown CMake command create_single_source_cgal_program . Configuring..
Unknown type name 'class'; did you mean 'Class'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8588734/unknown-type-name-class-did-you-mean-class type name 'class' did you mean 'Class' I'm trying to implement.. and put line with #import AQRecorder.h still getting error Unknown type name 'class' did you mean 'Class' and many others. Which..
How to use typelists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/901907/how-to-use-typelists Bitmap p ... operate on a Bitmap object ... else throw Unknown type passed This works but I don't see the advantage over inheritance..
What can cause D3D11CreateDevice() to fail with E_FAIL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10586956/what-can-cause-d3d11createdevice-to-fail-with-e-fail 5A54A0C9 C7EC 4BD9 8EDE F3C75DC4393B Format In Out IMC1 UNKNOWN Frames Prev Fwd Back 0 0 0 Caps 5A54A0C9 C7EC 4BD9 8EDE F3C75DC4393B.. 5A54A0C9 C7EC 4BD9 8EDE F3C75DC4393B Format In Out IMC2 UNKNOWN Frames Prev Fwd Back 0 0 0 Caps 5A54A0C9 C7EC 4BD9 8EDE F3C75DC4393B.. 5A54A0C9 C7EC 4BD9 8EDE F3C75DC4393B Format In Out IMC3 UNKNOWN Frames Prev Fwd Back 0 0 0 Caps 5A54A0C9 C7EC 4BD9 8EDE F3C75DC4393B..
Requirements for target application for Visual Studio 11's Graphics Debugger http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9696302/requirements-for-target-application-for-visual-studio-11s-graphics-debugger and no window associated with owning factory. UNKNOWN ERROR #7 PIX IDXGIFactory2 CreateSwapChainForHwnd returned 887a0001..