c++ Programming Glossary: test.dat
Why does wide file-stream in C++ narrow written data by default? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1509277/why-does-wide-file-stream-in-c-narrow-written-data-by-default c 0x00FF std locale global std locale std wofstream os test.dat os c std endl if os std cout Output failed n which use the.. UTF 8 locale I get env LC_ALL en_US.utf8 . a.out od t x1 test.dat 0000000 c3 bf 0a 0000003 od t x1 just dump the file represented..
Doing serialization using streams C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17277070/doing-serialization-using-streams-c megatex s3.other_data_ dat003 write fstream file1 c test.dat ios out ios binary ios app file1_file s1 s2 s3 file1_file.close.. file1_file s1 s2 s3 file1_file.close read ifstream file2 c test.dat Product p while file2 p cout p.price_ endl cout p.product_index_..
Reading piped input with C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5446161/reading-piped-input-with-c
Reading binary istream byte by byte http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5513532/reading-binary-istream-byte-by-byte int main typedef unsigned char uint8 std ifstream source test.dat std ios_base binary while source std ios pos_type before source.tellg.. x ' ' after std endl return 0 This dumps the contents of test.dat one byte per line showing the file position before and after...