c++ Programming Glossary: territory
Why 50 threads faster than 4? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16268469/why-50-threads-faster-than-4 that the benefit quickly drops away and we're entering the territory of excessive thread management and context switching. The results..
Using 'const' in class's functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2157458/using-const-in-classs-functions
Finite State Machine parser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3085070/finite-state-machine-parser to an FSM then you're getting into pushdown automaton territory. A nondeterministic pushdown automaton is equivalent to a context..
codingbat-like site for C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3479731/codingbat-like-site-for-c corner for several years . Due to the sheer size of the territory to cover in order to learn C and also due to the fact that C..
Passing array of structures to function c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3613302/passing-array-of-structures-to-function-c some ISO Standard_ war as I enter ISO undefined behavior territory you may understand forbidden territory if you prefer . It's.. undefined behavior territory you may understand forbidden territory if you prefer . It's a challenge as things are complicated is..
when do we need to pass the size of array as a parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6638729/when-do-we-need-to-pass-the-size-of-array-as-a-parameter end all bets are off and you are in the undefined behavior territory. The second case is when you don't really have an array. In..
Get std::fstream failure error messages and/or exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/839644/get-stdfstream-failure-error-messages-and-or-exceptions