c++ Programming Glossary: singletons
C++ Singleton design pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1008019/c-singleton-design-pattern this article that discusses some threading implications to singletons Singleton instance declared as static variable of GetInstance..
Problems with Singleton Pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1392315/problems-with-singleton-pattern synchronize access . From a unit testing perspective since singletons use static methods which are difficult to be mocked or stubbed..
C++ singleton vs. global static object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1463707/c-singleton-vs-global-static-object scenario. What makes it better than common way of doing singletons with creating new instance by calling new is that object destructor..
Is it good programming to have lots of singleton classes in a project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2080233/is-it-good-programming-to-have-lots-of-singleton-classes-in-a-project all classes as singleton but that would create lot of singletons. Is it good programming practice to have lot of singletons What.. singletons. Is it good programming practice to have lot of singletons What are the pros and cons for using singletons c design singleton.. lot of singletons What are the pros and cons for using singletons c design singleton share improve this question Take a look..
Singleton pattern in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2496918/singleton-pattern-in-c a while 1. Lifetime of a Singleton The main issue about singletons is the lifetime management. If you ever try to use the object..
Singleton Destructors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273720/singleton-destructors graceful shutdown procedure that can cleanly shutdown your singletons directly so they can free any critical resources in case there..
Is it possible to have an out-of-process COM server where a separate O/S process is used for each object instance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2897936/is-it-possible-to-have-an-out-of-process-com-server-where-a-separate-o-s-process the underlying legacy code has enough global data singletons and threading horrors that given available resources it isn't..
Forcing symbol export with MSVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444356/forcing-symbol-export-with-msvc libs into the plugins is not an option since they contain singletons which would be duplicated app and DLLs each have their own copy..
Singleton instance declared as static variable of GetInstance method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/449436/singleton-instance-declared-as-static-variable-of-getinstance-method code to guarantee it. One problem is that if you have two singletons and they try and use each other during construction and destruction...
C++: static member functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4723143/c-static-member-functions rather than a friend. It is commonly done this way for singletons that have a getInstance method as singleton and classes that..
Thread safe lazy construction of a singleton in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6915/thread-safe-lazy-construction-of-a-singleton-in-c is not an issue and creating additional temporary singletons is not a problem then it is a slightly lower overhead solution...
polymorphic C++ references http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7192069/polymorphic-c-references 2 I just realised that since both A and B are effectively singletons I can simply create a static instance of A1 in the compilation..
Alternatives to Singletons [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7267061/alternatives-to-singletons a file manager resource manager log manager etc without singletons. c design patterns c 11 share improve this question Simple..
Singleton: How should it be used http://stackoverflow.com/questions/86582/singleton-how-should-it-be-used answer that has links to a lot of questions answers about singletons More info about singletons here So I have read the thread Singletons.. lot of questions answers about singletons More info about singletons here So I have read the thread Singletons good design or a crutch.. to your requirements Sometimes the OS or the JVM creates singletons for you e.g. in Java every class definition is a singleton Provide..
Make Meyers' Singleton thread safe and fast with lazy evaluation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9994476/make-meyers-singleton-thread-safe-and-fast-with-lazy-evaluation create threads that access it. If you have lots of these singletons already implemented consider doing that. All of these even boost..
Problems with Singleton Pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1392315/problems-with-singleton-pattern for more on this... And it leads to a bad design too Singletons are also a sign of a poor design. Some programmers want to make..
Dynamically register constructor methods in an AbstractFactory at compile time using C++ templates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2850213/dynamically-register-constructor-methods-in-an-abstractfactory-at-compile-time-u maintenance of MESSAGE_IDs. In response to your comments Singletons are generally to be avoided because they're often overused as..
Alternatives to Singletons [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7267061/alternatives-to-singletons to Singletons closed This is related to What is so bad about Singletons Can.. Singletons closed This is related to What is so bad about Singletons Can you give me some examples where Singletons can be avoided.. bad about Singletons Can you give me some examples where Singletons can be avoided using other techniques I need to use this in..
Singleton: How should it be used http://stackoverflow.com/questions/86582/singleton-how-should-it-be-used More info about singletons here So I have read the thread Singletons good design or a crutch And the argument still rages. I see.. design or a crutch And the argument still rages. I see Singletons as a Design Pattern good and bad . The problem with Singleton.. that are not appropriate replacing global variables with Singletons . So the main questions that need to be answered are When should..