c++ Programming Glossary: s.size
Why are strings in C++ usually terminated with '\0'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10943033/why-are-strings-in-c-usually-terminated-with-0 array like this string s JustAString char array new char s.size 1 strncpy array s.c_str s.size array s.size ' 0' Why should.. char array new char s.size 1 strncpy array s.c_str s.size array s.size ' 0' Why should we use ' 0' here c c string .. array new char s.size 1 strncpy array s.c_str s.size array s.size ' 0' Why should we use ' 0' here c c string share improve..
Why is modifying a string through a retrieved pointer to its data not allowed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14290795/why-is-modifying-a-string-through-a-retrieved-pointer-to-its-data-not-allowed n s.begin n shall hold for all values of n such that 0 n s.size . However here is how § lists the two functions to..
Can one leverage std::basic_string to implement a string having a length limitation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1591591/can-one-leverage-stdbasic-string-to-implement-a-string-having-a-length-limitat throw std bad_alloc std cout s.max_size std endl std cout s.size std endl That last s s will put it over the top and cause a..
Bind Vs Lambda? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1930903/bind-vs-lambda std string std cout n const std string s return s.size 8 s.find_first_not_of abcdef std string npos This is still..
Are there any better methods to do permutation of string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995328/are-there-any-better-methods-to-do-permutation-of-string value of s. void permutation int k string s for int j 1 j s.size j swap s k j 1 j k k j 1 Here swap s i j swaps position i..
Is it reasonable to use std::basic_string<t> as a contiguous buffer when targeting C++03? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2256160/is-it-reasonable-to-use-stdbasic-stringt-as-a-contiguous-buffer-when-targeti n s.begin n shall hold for all values of n such that 0 n s.size . As such the chances of a current or future implementation..
What's the best tool to graphically display memory layout from a .map file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48426/whats-the-best-tool-to-graphically-display-memory-layout-from-a-map-file i len colors i 1 total_size 0 for s in symbols total_size s.size sections.sort lambda a b a.address b.address symbols.sort lambda.. for s in sections if addr s.address and addr s.address s.size return s return None print html head print style a color black..
std::vector<std::string> to char* array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7048888/stdvectorstdstring-to-char-array as char convert const std string s char pc new char s.size 1 std strcpy pc s.c_str return pc Test code int main std vector..
How to implement “Variadic Template” with pre-c++0x(VS2008)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7683041/how-to-implement-variadic-template-with-pre-c0xvs2008 offset 0 if offset s.find std string npos if offset s.size 1 s offset 1 ' ' ASSERT Missing Arguments return false out.. npos out s.substr prev_offset curr_offset if curr_offset s.size 1 s curr_offset 1 ' ' out value if curr_offset 2 s.length .. offset 0 if offset s.find std string npos if offset s.size 1 s offset 1 ' ' assert 0 Missing Arguments return false ..
Why do std::string operations perform poorly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8310039/why-do-stdstring-operations-perform-poorly std void test int x 0 int limit 102 1024 string s for s.size limit s X if s.find ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0 string npos.. 0 string npos cout Find endl cout x's length s.size endl int main test which gives result x length 104448 real 0m5.905s..