c++ Programming Glossary: python
Calling C/C++ from python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145270/calling-c-c-from-python C C from python What would be the quickest way to construct a python binding.. from python What would be the quickest way to construct a python binding to a C or C library using windows if this matters c.. to a C or C library using windows if this matters c python c share improve this question I like ctypes a lot swig always..
How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629421/how-to-use-boost-in-visual-studio-2010 paths versions note the space before the ' ' . using python 2.6 C Python Python26 python using python 2.6 C Python Python26.. space before the ' ' . using python 2.6 C Python Python26 python using python 2.6 C Python Python26 x64 python address model.. the ' ' . using python 2.6 C Python Python26 python using python 2.6 C Python Python26 x64 python address model 64 Do note that..
Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9371238/why-is-reading-lines-from-stdin-much-slower-in-c-than-python readline_test_cpp foo.cpp Python Equivalent # usr bin env python import time import sys count 0 start time.time for line in sys.stdin.. 000 Edit 3 Okay I tried J.N.'s suggestion of trying having python store the line read but it made no difference to python's speed... python store the line read but it made no difference to python's speed. I also tried J.N.'s suggestion of using scanf into..
How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629421/how-to-use-boost-in-visual-studio-2010 Bzip2 filters Boost.IOStreams Zlib filters Boost.MPI Boost.Python Boost.Regex ICU support Boost.IOStreams Bzip2 filters Unarchive.. build file to look for MPI in the right place. Boost.Python Install a Python distribution such as ActiveState's ActivePython... to look for MPI in the right place. Boost.Python Install a Python distribution such as ActiveState's ActivePython. Make sure the..
Stack,Static and Heap in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/408670/stack-static-and-heap-in-c dynamic memory allocations. Some other languages like Python would be horrible without GC so I think it comes down to what.. that I've ever heard of is in C if not C or assembly . Python et al are fine for scripting but not the main game engine. ..
Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9371238/why-is-reading-lines-from-stdin-much-slower-in-c-than-python is reading lines from stdin much slower in C than Python I wanted to compare reading lines of string input from stdin.. to compare reading lines of string input from stdin using Python and C and was shocked to see my C code run an order of magnitude.. code run an order of magnitude slower than the equivalent Python code. Since my C is rusty and I'm not yet an expert Pythonista..