c++ Programming Glossary: python.hpp
Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12957492/writing-python-bindings-for-c-code-that-use-opencv tag boost pysomemodule.cpp #include string #include boost python.hpp #include abc.hpp using namespace boost python BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE..
Expose a non-const but noncopyable member in Boost Python http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15093504/expose-a-non-const-but-noncopyable-member-in-boost-python looks like this #include boost bind.hpp #include boost python.hpp #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #include boost signals2 signal.hpp..
How to write a wrapper over functions and member functions that executes some code before and after the wrapped function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2135457/how-to-write-a-wrapper-over-functions-and-member-functions-that-executes-some-co too Example #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #include boost python.hpp #include boost python signature.hpp #include boost mpl vector.hpp..
boost::python Export Custom Exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2261858/boostpython-export-custom-exception e .ptr Here is a full working example #include boost python.hpp #include assert.h #include iostream class MyCPPException public..
How To catch python stdout in c++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4307187/how-to-catch-python-stdout-in-c-code is some example of the code i've written. #include boost python.hpp #include iostream void pythonCallBackFunc const char inputStr..
Boost-python How to pass a c++ class instance to a python class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5055443/boost-python-how-to-pass-a-c-class-instance-to-a-python-class in main.cpp #include python2.6 Python.h #include boost python.hpp #include iostream using namespace boost python using namespace.. the python interpreter from makeing a copy #include boost python.hpp #include string #include iostream using namespace boost python..
wrapping a list of structs with boost.python http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6776888/wrapping-a-list-of-structs-with-boost-python #include list #include algorithm #include boost python.hpp template class T struct listwrap typedef typename T value_type..
How to define a Python metaclass with Boost.Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9050985/how-to-define-a-python-metaclass-with-boost-python feels like a hack but it seems to work. #include boost python.hpp class Meta public static boost python object newClass boost..