c++ Programming Glossary: pparent
C++ method only visible when object cast to base class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068088/c-method-only-visible-when-object-cast-to-base-class ... pChild doIt 123 FAILS compiler no method found CParent pParent pChild pParent doIt 123 works fine How on earth EDIT people.. 123 FAILS compiler no method found CParent pParent pChild pParent doIt 123 works fine How on earth EDIT people are talking about..
c++ virtual inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2126522/c-virtual-inheritance virtual inheritance Problem class Base public Base Base pParent implements basic stuff class A virtual public Base public A.. basic stuff class A virtual public Base public A A pParent Base pParent ... class B virtual public Base public B B pParent.. stuff class A virtual public Base public A A pParent Base pParent ... class B virtual public Base public B B pParent Base pParent..
Can a custom MFC window/dialog be a class template instantiation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3004870/can-a-custom-mfc-window-dialog-be-a-class-template-instantiation CDialog super DECLARE_DYNAMIC CMyDlg W public CMyDlg CWnd pParent standard constructor virtual ~CMyDlg Dialog Data enum IDD IDD_MYDLG.. CMyDlg W super template class W CMyDlg W CMyDlg CWnd pParent super CMyDlg IDD pParent m_pWidget new W this I get a whole.. class W CMyDlg W CMyDlg CWnd pParent super CMyDlg IDD pParent m_pWidget new W this I get a whole bunch of errors but main..
BringWindowToTop is Not working even if I get the handle to Class Window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4201728/bringwindowtotop-is-not-working-even-if-i-get-the-handle-to-class-window constructor of the Class CNDSClientDlg CNDSClientDlg CWnd pParent NULL CDialog CNDSClientDlg IDD pParent InitInstance HWND hWnd.. CNDSClientDlg CWnd pParent NULL CDialog CNDSClientDlg IDD pParent InitInstance HWND hWnd hInst AfxGetInstanceHandle Store instance..