c++ Programming Glossary: pop_back
Why does std::stack use std::deque by default? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/102459/why-does-stdstack-use-stddeque-by-default for a container to be used in a stack are back push_back pop_back Why is the default container for it a deque instead of a vector.. a deque also priority_queue requires front push_back and pop_back essentially the same as for stack It appears that the way deque..
The simplest and neatest c++11 ScopeGuard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10270328/the-simplest-and-neatest-c11-scopeguard happens elsewhere const auto a RAII makeScopeGuard myVec.pop_back sintactically neater since everything happens in a single line.. makeScopeGuard someOtherVec.push_back 42 someOtherVec.pop_back b.commit a.commit Since my version is way shorter than most.. makeScopeGuard HAssertMsg myVec.size 0 attempt to call pop_back in empty myVec myVec.pop_back auto b RAII makeScopeGuardThatDoesNOTRollbackIfAdquireThrows..
std::vector resize downward http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1155693/stdvector-resize-downward make a statement about amortized cost of push_back and pop_back O 1 I can envision an implementation that does the usual sort..
What constitutes a valid state for a “moved from” object in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12095048/what-constitutes-a-valid-state-for-a-moved-from-object-in-c11 state so you do have to check. For example you should not pop_back on a moved from string until you have queried the state of the.. state of the string to determine that the preconditions of pop_back are met. std string s foo std string t std move s if s.empty.. preconditions so it's safe to call on moved from objects s.pop_back after verifying that the preconditions are met pop_back is safe..
What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181693/what-are-the-complexity-guarantees-of-the-standard-containers O 1 push_front O 1 pop_front O 1 push_back O 1 pop_back O 1 Insert O ln n Insert fill O n Insert range O n ..
C++ OpenMP Parallel For Loop - Alternatives to std::vector [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18669296/c-openmp-parallel-for-loop-alternatives-to-stdvector of the underlying array that std vector holds. push_back pop_back and insert are examples of these dangerous methods. If you need.. which is O 1 . However concurrent vector calls push_back pop_back insert in a thread safe way even when reallocation happens...
Is there a simple script to convert C++ enum to string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/201593/is-there-a-simple-script-to-convert-c-enum-to-string
deque vs. queue in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2247982/deque-vs-queue-in-c the higher level container. These are back push_back and pop_back for stack and front back push_back and pop_front for queue...
Is there a Java Map keySet() equivalent for C++'s std::map? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2467000/is-there-a-java-map-keyset-equivalent-for-cs-stdmap
Do STL iterators guarantee validity after collection was changed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3329956/do-stl-iterators-guarantee-validity-after-collection-was-changed at the beginning or end of a deque including pop_front and pop_back invalidates an iterator only if it points to the erased element...
Implementation of Vector in C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5159061/implementation-of-vector-in-c end T front T back void push_back const T value void pop_back void reserve unsigned int capacity void resize unsigned int.. 5 buffer my_size v template class T void Vector T pop_back my_size template class T void Vector T reserve unsigned int.. v4 0 v3 0 v3 0 test assert v4 0 v3 0 assert v4 0 hello v3.pop_back assert v3.size 0 Vector int v5 7 9 Vector int iterator it v5.begin..
Writing your own STL Container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7758580/writing-your-own-stl-container void push_back T optional void pop_front optional void pop_back optional reference operator size_type optional const_reference..