c++ Programming Glossary: mxarray
How do I profile a MEX-function in Matlab http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11220250/how-do-i-profile-a-mex-function-in-matlab #include engine.h typedef void mexFunction_t int nargout mxArray pargout int nargin const mxArray pargin int main int argc const.. mexFunction_t int nargout mxArray pargout int nargin const mxArray pargin int main int argc const char argv Engine ep char buff.. to fit particular needs engEvalString ep load input.mat mxArray arg1 engGetVariable ep Ain mxArray arg2 engGetVariable ep opts..
Lib svm, how to convert MyModel.mat to MyModel.model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11744244/lib-svm-how-to-convert-mymodel-mat-to-mymodel-model mex.h #include svm_model_matlab.h static void fake_answer mxArray plhs plhs 0 mxCreateDoubleMatrix 0 0 mxREAL void mexFunction.. mxCreateDoubleMatrix 0 0 mxREAL void mexFunction int nlhs mxArray plhs int nrhs const mxArray prhs struct svm_model model char.. void mexFunction int nlhs mxArray plhs int nrhs const mxArray prhs struct svm_model model char filename const char error_msg..