c++ Programming Glossary: manipulator
Manipulate Input File Stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13349204/manipulate-input-file-stream Map2D Map3D Dot2D Dot3D I was trying to write my own file manipulator so that my program can extract the data above and overload the.. I tried googling around on how to create my own file manipulator but will be good if someone could show me some sample code and.. use iomanip to do a overload on the operator I have to use manipulator because i need create something like I need to do something..
Which iomanip manipulators are 'sticky'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532640/which-iomanip-manipulators-are-sticky iomanip manipulators are 'sticky' I recently had a problem creating a stringstream.. a number of questions Why is setw this way Are any other manipulators this way Is there a difference in behavior between std ios_base.. below By Martin @Chareles Then by this requirement all manipulators are sticky. Except setw which seems to be reset after use...
How to cin Space in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2765462/how-to-cin-space-in-c different mechanism. To change its behavior use the manipulator noskipws as follows cin noskipws a i But since you seem like..
C++ format macro / inline ostringstream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/303562/c-format-macro-inline-ostringstream unitbuf ostringstream noshowpos Or any other standard manipulator. #include iomanip Reference See Insert data with format 1 3..
Why does ostream_iterator not work as expected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4447827/why-does-ostream-iterator-not-work-as-expected operator . UPDATE My 3rd suggestion is to use a custom manipulator to print out the pair. As for my 2nd suggestion if you can use..
How do the stream manipulators work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4633864/how-do-the-stream-manipulators-work do the stream manipulators work It is well known that the user can define stream manipulators.. work It is well known that the user can define stream manipulators like this ostream tab ostream output return output ' t' And.. void instead of ostream Also it is interesting why œdec œhex manipulators take effect until I don ™t change between them but user defined..
Printing double without losing precision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4738768/printing-double-without-losing-precision achieve this in C we need to use the fixed and scientific manipulators see n3225 Table 88 std cout std scientific std.. In C printf a n yourNumber C 0x provides the hexfloat manipulator for iostreams that does the same thing on some platforms using..
Custom manipulator for C++ iostream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/535444/custom-manipulator-for-c-iostream manipulator for C iostream I'd like to implement a custom manipulator for.. manipulator for C iostream I'd like to implement a custom manipulator for ostream to do some manipulation on the next item being inserted.. into the stream. For example let's say I have a custom manipulator quote std ostringstream os std string name Joe os SELECT FROM..
How to make cout behave as in binary mode? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5654067/how-to-make-cout-behave-as-in-binary-mode ending You can wrap this little nugget inside a custom manipulator #include unistd.h std ostream endln std ostream s if s rdbuf..
Portable text based console manipulator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7876241/portable-text-based-console-manipulator text based console manipulator Applications can manipulate text based consoles or terminals..