c++ Programming Glossary: managers
How to identify top-level X11 windows using xlib? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201179/how-to-identify-top-level-x11-windows-using-xlib to get a list of all windows that are shown in the window managers application switching UI commonly opened when the user presses..
How is heap and stack memories managed, implemented, allocated? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212797/how-is-heap-and-stack-memories-managed-implemented-allocated in debugging the heap management routines. Most memory managers to do not return memory to the OS during the lifetime of a process..
Boost advocacy - help needed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1437053/boost-advocacy-help-needed Engineering team members and or very technical senior managers in other words for the latter the details of the argument may..
Does getting random SIGTRAP signals (in MinGW-gdb) is a sign of memory corruption? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2307621/does-getting-random-sigtrap-signals-in-mingw-gdb-is-a-sign-of-memory-corruptio and the dll is linked to my exe. So there were two memory managers one in my exe and one in my dll. If call the initaialization..
Is it a good practice to always use smart pointers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2454214/is-it-a-good-practice-to-always-use-smart-pointers don't want to manage the lifetime of the object. 2. Smart managers Unless you are writing a smart manager class if you use the..
Benchmarks used to test a C and C++ allocator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2560114/benchmarks-used-to-test-a-c-and-c-allocator of server applications like web servers 1 and database managers. We chose benchmarks described in other papers and otherwise..
How do I toggle 'always on top' for a QMainWindow in Qt without causing a flicker or a flash? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2855968/how-do-i-toggle-always-on-top-for-a-qmainwindow-in-qt-without-causing-a-flicke QMainWindow without that flashing side effect c qt window managers share improve this question Nokia says no It is not possible..
How do I properly implement a “minimize to tray” function in Qt? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3332257/how-do-i-properly-implement-a-minimize-to-tray-function-in-qt the event doesn't seem to do anything either. c qt window managers share improve this question Apparently a small delay is..
How to use libapt (or libept) in debian-like system to list packages and get their infos? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/341520/how-to-use-libapt-or-libept-in-debian-like-system-to-list-packages-and-get-the Thank you in advance. c debian apt package managers share improve this question Take a look at how apt cache..
Where to put third party libraries to setup a c++ linux development environment? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3685716/where-to-put-third-party-libraries-to-setup-a-c-linux-development-environment so that users can download it using their package managers apt get or yum . This can all get complicated because of the..
Managed C++ wrappers for legacy C++ libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425752/managed-c-wrappers-for-legacy-c-libraries bad idea. I've run into problems with competing memory managers at shutdown time that way basically the .NET runtime and the..
Is Boost IPC any good? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5140312/is-boost-ipc-any-good more useful features is that it provides its own memory managers for the shared memory region which includes STL allocators ...
Multithreaded job queue manager http://stackoverflow.com/questions/565137/multithreaded-job-queue-manager for managing such tasks. I've written my own crude thread managers in the past in C I think it's a rite of passage but I want to..
How to implement a good debug/logging feature in a project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6168107/how-to-implement-a-good-debug-logging-feature-in-a-project how to structure it and such I've heard a lot from project managers that a good logging feature is critical to each project but..
How to Skin an Win32 Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9216917/how-to-skin-an-win32-application Comodo firewall Winamp Babylon client and few download managers etc. there are many similar applications out there but I can't..