

c++ Programming Glossary: liner

Should I use vcredist.exe or the msm's to install the Visual C++ runtime library


Forcing a constant expression to be evaluated during compile-time?


How does std move impact performance Is there a better one liner solution for this c c 11 evaluation compile time constexpr..

When should I write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method?


units. It's a good idea to define small as in one liner functions in the header file as it gives the compiler more information..

Bind Vs Lambda?


have download a list of English words and use a simple one liner of C #include iterator #include string #include algorithm #include..

Which one to use - memset() or value initialization to zero out a struct?


theStruct The second variant looks cleaner it's a one liner it doesn't have any parameters that could be mistyped and lead..

Fast rectangle to rectangle intersection


A search on the internet came up with this one liner WOOT but I don't understand how to write it in Javascript it..

Coroutine demo source


is based on precise arithmetic coding so its not a one liner by default. It may be possible to cut it in half by using putc..

Double precision in C++ (or pow(2, 1000))


Granted I can write the program with a Python 1 liner sum int _ for _ in str 2 1000 that gives me the result immediately..

What is the C++ iostream endl fiasco?


on the D programming language when he threw out a one liner about the endl fiasco. I just thought endl was the preferred..

How to use istream with strings


memory reallocations which are very slow. My favourite one liner from another answer is streaming directly from the underlying..

How is dynamically allocated space freed when a program is interrupted using Ctrl-C?


short lifetime programs. But you can never tell when a one liner will become a huge program so don't have any memory leaks even..

c++ template for conversion between decimal and arbitrary base


had best write your own algorithm it's essentially a three liner in C std string to_base unsigned int n unsigned int base static..