

c++ Programming Glossary: library's

Why isn't my new operator called


provide a new delete operator pair. So if I use first the library's new and later the client's delete I can probably step into a..

What is std::promise?


is std promise I'm fairly familiar with the new standard library's std thread std async and std future components e.g. see this..

Shared libraries memory space


placed Is it in the caller memory space or is it in the library's memory space c memory memory allocation shared libraries ..

How to avoid entering library's source files while debugging in Qt Creator with gdb?


to avoid entering library's source files while debugging in Qt Creator with gdb How can..

Is std::regex thread safe?


argument. This means that it is protected by the standard library's guarantee that the const modifier implies thread safety of the..

Elegant way to implement extensible factories in C++


work for user defined subclasses as well e.g. having the library's factory function build different subclasses depending on what..

Static initialization and destruction of a static library's globals not happening with g++


initialization and destruction of a static library's globals not happening with g Until some time ago I thought..

Detach a pointer from a shared_ptr? [duplicate]


Multiple definition of inline functions when linking static libs


own C API on top. An in my view excessive portion of the C library's functionality is implemented in inline functions. You can't.. avoid including the inline functions when you use the C library's API but when I try to link it all together I'm getting link.. link errors do NOT occur if I link to the third party C library's DLL however then I get strange runtime failures that seem to..

What is an overloaded operator in C++?


they can do whatever you want. For example the standard library's IO stream interface uses the shift operators for output and..

Is it possible to roll a significantly faster version of sqrt


it is used very often it is likely that your standard library's implementation of sqrt is nearly optimal for the general case...

What code have you written with #pragma you found useful? [closed]


can remove the 'spam' from your builds by disabling the library's warnings. Using push pop allows you to selectively disable the..

floating point issue


digits so you round back to base 10 checkout the Standard library's iomanip header and setprecision store the number in some actual..

In C++, what is the proper way to insert a line at the beginning of a text file?


in files not to mention text files. And the C standard library's notion of a file is a simple stream of bytes. And so a fixed..

Where can I get a “useful” C++ binary search algorithm?


something like std binary_search in the standard library's algorithm header but unlike std binary_search I need it to return..

How to use dylib in Mac OS X (C++)


is a magic token that when placed at the beginning of a library's install name gets expanded to the path of the executable that's..

Boost.Extension - simple inheritance sample - why we see no animals on linux?


file we provide in directory so what is needed Boost C library's we tested with version 1.4.16 Boost Extension we use latest..

How do I link to a library with Code::Blocks?


talk about things I've not tried . You can also write the library's full name but writing libgdi32.a has no advantage over gdi32..