c++ Programming Glossary: install
Getting started with OpenCV 2.4 and MinGW on Windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10860352/getting-started-with-opencv-2-4-and-mingw-on-windows-7 started with OpenCV 2.4 and MinGW on Windows 7 How do I install OpenCV 2.4 and compile my code with MinGW c windows opencv.. file extracting so just double click the file to start installation. Install it in a directory say C . Wait until all files.. bin 3 then click Ok . This will completes the OpenCV 2.4.3 installation on your computer. 2. Installing MinGW compiler suite I..
Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10901905/installing-opencv-2-4-3-in-visual-c-2010-express OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C 2010 Express closed How do you install and use OpenCV 2.4.3 under VC 2010 Express c visual c opencv.. Its a self extracting so just double click to start the installation. Install it in a directory say C . Wait until all files.. path variables. This will completes the OpenCV 2.4.3 installation on your computer. 2. Create a new project and set up Visual..
How to compile a 64-bit application using Visual C++ 2010 Express? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1865069/how-to-compile-a-64-bit-application-using-visual-c-2010-express question Here are step by step instructions Download and install the Windows Software Development Kit version 7.1. Visual C 2010..
Hooking DirectX EndScene from an injected DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1994676/hooking-directx-endscene-from-an-injected-dll hacking dll injection share improve this question You install a system wide hook. SetWindowsHookEx With this done you get.. call back to call the original EndScene method. And then reinstall your patch. This is the way FRAPS does it. Link You can find..
C++ Timer function to provide time in nano seconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/275004/c-timer-function-to-provide-time-in-nano-seconds PC sometimes jumps a bit backwards unless you specially install AMD dual core driver package to fix the issue. We haven't noticed..
c/c++ source code visualization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27857/c-c-source-code-visualization is really excellent for this although you will need to install GraphViz to get the the graphs to draw. Once you've got everything.. to get the the graphs to draw. Once you've got everything installed it's really rather simple to draw the graphs. Make sure you..
How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307610/how-do-exceptions-work-behind-the-scenes-in-c code with a small piece of C code and a somewhat old Linux install. class MyException public MyException ~MyException void my_throwing_function..
How do you pack a visual studio c++ project for release? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3230/how-do-you-pack-a-visual-studio-c-project-for-release be run on a non development machine without it having to install the microsoft redistributable on the target machine. Without.. that the application configuration is not correct and to reinstall. c visual studio share improve this question Choose Project..
How to redirect qDebug, qWarning, qCritical etc output? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4954140/how-to-redirect-qdebug-qwarning-qcritical-etc-output qt mingw qdebug share improve this question You've to install a message handler using qInstallMsgHandler function and then.. main int argc char argv qInstallMsgHandler myMessageOutput install set the callback QApplication app argc argv ... return app.exec.. or completely re write the function Once you write and install this function all your qDebug as well as qWarning qCritical..
How to convert a number to string and vice versa in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5290089/how-to-convert-a-number-to-string-and-vice-versa-in-c a small library like this lexical_cast. To download and install boost and its documentation go here . Although boost isn't in..
How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5601950/how-to-build-qt-for-visual-studio-2010 one word it depends on whether you have Visual Studio 2008 installed on the same machine or not. http blog.paulnettleship.com 2010.. on the Qt webpage if you don ™t have Visual Studio 2008 installed. The reason is because the Qt SDK you download is a debug.. DebugCRT meaning it needs the Visual C 2008 Debug Runtime installed which is NOT available as a redistributable installer. The..
App does not run with VS 2008 SP1 DLLs, previous version works with RTM versions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59635/app-does-not-run-with-vs-2008-sp1-dlls-previous-version-works-with-rtm-versions by side configuration so as to not worry about versions or installing them to the system. Pre SP1 this was working fine and still.. my hair out since yesterday morning. First off our NSIS installer script pulls the dlls and manifest files from the redist folder... to use the current ones. I've got them in an earlier installer build since Microsoft blasts them out of your redist folder..
How to Compile for OS X in Linux or Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/693952/how-to-compile-for-os-x-in-linux-or-windows using MacPorts that is generally the preferred way to install portable free or open source software on Mac OS X. MacPorts..
OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7011238/opencv-2-3-c-visual-studio-2010 improve this question Well the official guide is for installing OpenCV 2.1 on VS2010 so I wrote some instructions below that.. I wrote some instructions below that shows how to properly install and configure the x86 version of OpenCV 2.3 on Visual Studio..
How to generate a stacktrace when my gcc C++ app crashes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/77005/how-to-generate-a-stacktrace-when-my-gcc-c-app-crashes found in the libc manual . Here's an example program that installs a SIGSEGV handler and prints a stacktrace to stderr when it.. foo bar int main int argc char argv signal SIGSEGV handler install our handler foo this will call foo bar and baz. baz segfaults...
Memcached on Windows (x64) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8896/memcached-on-windows-x64 port is Win32 specific this is hardly going to help when installing as a service on x64. It also has a dependency on the libevent.. than the server part. @DannySmurf I've only been able to install it as a service on a 32 bit OS. 64 bit OS rejects the installation.. it as a service on a 32 bit OS. 64 bit OS rejects the installation of this Win32 service. Of course yes lots of Win32 code..
What XML parser should I use in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9387610/what-xml-parser-should-i-use-in-c You want an XML parser that's going to be small easy to install trivial to use and small enough to be irrelevant to your eventual..
Building GMP library with Visual Studio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1017058/building-gmp-library-with-visual-studio and MPFR with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and YASM GMP Install Instruction for Windows Platform share improve this answer..
Best bignum library to solve Project Euler problems in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047203/best-bignum-library-to-solve-project-euler-problems-in-c a couple of links regarding GMP and Visual Studio 2008 GMP Install Help at CodeGuru GMP Compile Guide at The Edge Of Nowhere this..
Getting started with OpenCV 2.4 and MinGW on Windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10860352/getting-started-with-opencv-2-4-and-mingw-on-windows-7 c windows opencv mingw share improve this question 1. Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 First get OpenCV 2.4.3 from sourceforge.net... so just double click the file to start installation. Install it in a directory say C . Wait until all files get extracted... the OpenCV 2.4.3 installation on your computer. 2. Installing MinGW compiler suite I highly recommend you to use gcc GNU..
Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10901905/installing-opencv-2-4-3-in-visual-c-2010-express OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C 2010 Express closed How do you.. c visual c opencv share improve this question 1. Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 First get OpenCV 2.4.3 from sourceforge.net... extracting so just double click to start the installation. Install it in a directory say C . Wait until all files get extracted...
windows form CLR application in Visual studio 2012 RC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11130915/windows-form-clr-application-in-visual-studio-2012-rc recreated these files and put them up for download here . Install the files and you should be able to create WinForm apps in C..
Compiling Qt 4.8.x for Visual Studio 2012 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12113400/compiling-qt-4-8-x-for-visual-studio-2012 with Visual Studio 2012 x64 should also work with 4.8.2 Install Strawberry Perl Download Qt 4.8.3 source code from http qt project.org..
How do you compile OpenSSL for x64? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158232/how-do-you-compile-openssl-for-x64 both release and debug this is what you need to do Install Perl www.activestate.com Run the Visual Studio 2008 x64 Cross..
Downloading and integrating Qt5 with Visual Studio 2012 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15826893/downloading-and-integrating-qt5-with-visual-studio-2012 useful for the rest of this process and just in general . Install the DirectX 11 SDK. It is now part of the Windows 8 SDK so you..
How to link opencv in QtCreator and use Qt library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15881913/how-to-link-opencv-in-qtcreator-and-use-qt-library very beginning the aim is to write a very clear tutorial. Installation of OpenCV for QtCreator I have already MS Visual Studio.. Download Qt 5.0.1 for Windows 32 bit MinGW 4.7 823 MB 2.1 Install Warning everything that Qt uses e.g. OpenCV must be in directories.. is installed Download cmake win32 x86.exe Install for all users this can be in Program Files Download OpenCV 2.4.0.exe..
wxWidget 2.8.12 not working in Codeblocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17457862/wxwidget-2-8-12-not-working-in-codeblocks the error I mentioned in Codeblocks NOTICE FUTURE READERS Install wxWidgets to a directory without whitespace in the path name..
how to compile gtk+ application for native windows (and not for X windows)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18799904/how-to-compile-gtk-application-for-native-windows-and-not-for-x-windows they are trying to compile for X or natively for Windows Installing gtk and compiling using gcc under windows Compiling GTK applications.. The full list of steps I followed 1 Download MinGW 2 Install MinGW to a folder without spaces e.g. to c MinGW. 3 Download..
How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629421/how-to-use-boost-in-visual-studio-2010 C zlib 1.2.5 when running b2 in step 5. Boost.MPI Install a MPI distribution such as Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack. Follow.. file to look for MPI in the right place. Boost.Python Install a Python distribution such as ActiveState's ActivePython. Make..
How do I use GDB in Eclipse for C/C++ Debugging? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3758794/how-do-i-use-gdb-in-eclipse-for-c-c-debugging they are similar except for the link in step 2. Go to Help Install New Software. Add the CDT repository http download.eclipse.org..
C++ cross-compiler from Windows to Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4769968/c-cross-compiler-from-windows-to-linux building cross compilers with cygwin host . Overview Install cygwin with development packages Download crosstool ng Extract..
enable pretty printing for gdb in eclipse cdt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4985414/enable-pretty-printing-for-gdb-in-eclipse-cdt options will be stored i.e. HOME projects . Click Help Install New Software... Click Add... Archive... and choose the CDT build..
MingW Netbeans 6.9.1 problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5224381/mingw-netbeans-6-9-1-problem It's was kind of messy but finally get a way. 1° Install MinGW C C en my particular case 2° Install MSYS Answer two or.. get a way. 1° Install MinGW C C en my particular case 2° Install MSYS Answer two or three question at the end of installation..
App does not run with VS 2008 SP1 DLLs, previous version works with RTM versions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59635/app-does-not-run-with-vs-2008-sp1-dlls-previous-version-works-with-rtm-versions the problem and fix it so it works as it should preferred Install the redist dig out the old RTM dlls and manifest files and remove..
How to build google protocol buffers in Windows for mingw? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9243816/how-to-build-google-protocol-buffers-in-windows-for-mingw the MSYS shell e.g. with CodeBlocks... Run make make Install make install That's it. You should now be able to compile your..