

c++ Programming Glossary: getcurrentthreadid

How do I get at the exception information when using MiniDumpWriteDump out-of-process?


Your SetUnhandledExceptionFilter should then only call GetCurrentThreadId and copy the tid and the pExcept to the memory mapped file view..

Set location of MessageBox?


SetWindowsHookEx WH_CBT pfnCBTMsgBoxHook 0 GetCurrentThreadId int sResult MessageBox hwndParent pszMsg pszTitle usStyle remove..

Hooking window creation in an MFC program


Win32 SetForegroundWindow unreliable


hApp NULL AttachThreadInput dwThreadID GetCurrentThreadId true SetForegroundWindow hApp SetActiveWindow hApp SetFocus.. hApp SetFocus hApp AttachThreadInput dwThreadID GetCurrentThreadId false my forth attempt DWORD dwThreadID GetWindowThreadProcessId.. hApp NULL AttachThreadInput dwThreadID GetCurrentThreadId true SetWindowPos hApp HWND_TOPMOST NULL NULL NULL NULL SWP_NOMOVE..

C++ — how to write a sample code that will crash and produce dump file?


exceptionInfo exceptionInfo.ThreadId GetCurrentThreadId exceptionInfo.ExceptionPointers e exceptionInfo.ClientPointers..

Visual Studio 2010 hangs when I debug method AttachThreadInput()


GetWindowThreadProcessId GetForegroundWindow 0 nAppThread GetCurrentThreadId if nForeThread nAppThread AttachThreadInput nForeThread nAppThread..