c++ Programming Glossary: gcc.gnu.org
Name lookups in C++ templates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10639053/name-lookups-in-c-templates is necessary. I found an explanation on this page http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs gcc Name lookup.html While that explanation was useful..
C++ #include semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/179213/c-include-semantics by the INCLUDE environment variable. 1.b g Source http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs cpp Header Files.html http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs.. http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs cpp Header Files.html http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs cpp Include Syntax.html http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs.. http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs cpp Include Syntax.html http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs cpp Include Operation.html http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs..
How to use anonymous structs / unions in C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1972003/how-to-use-anonymous-structs-unions-in-c unions share improve this question according to http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs gcc Unnamed Fields.html#Unnamed Fields fms extensions..
C++0X when? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/226061/c0x-when version that already implements a lot of features see http gcc.gnu.org projects cxx0x.html . Comeau C seems to be more advanced. CLang..
how to view contents of STL containers using GDB 7.x http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2492020/how-to-view-contents-of-stl-containers-using-gdb-7-x this question Get the python viewers from SVN svn gcc.gnu.org svn gcc trunk libstdc v3 python Add the following to your ~..
Can I make GCC warn on passing too-wide types to functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/310108/can-i-make-gcc-warn-on-passing-too-wide-types-to-functions why Wconversion doesn't seem to be it . Edit http gcc.gnu.org bugzilla show_bug.cgi id 34389 suggests that this may be fixed..
why copy constructor is called when passing temp by const ref? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4733448/why-copy-constructor-is-called-when-passing-temp-by-const-ref Needed with temp object. or go directly to http gcc.gnu.org bugs #cxx 5Frvalbind The C Standard says that a temporary object..
enable pretty printing for gdb in eclipse cdt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4985414/enable-pretty-printing-for-gdb-in-eclipse-cdt Get python pretty printers by executing svn co svn gcc.gnu.org svn gcc trunk libstdc v3 python in a directory of your choice..
Flags to enable thorough and verbose g++ warnings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5088460/flags-to-enable-thorough-and-verbose-g-warnings now added in . There is actually a second page at http gcc.gnu.org that is quite well hidden. General warning options and C options..
GCC STL bound checking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5594686/gcc-stl-bound-checking addition to operator . References GCC STL debug mode http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs libstdc manual bk01pt03ch17s03.html#debug_mode.using.mode..
Is there a GCC preprocessor directive to check if the code is being compiled on a 64 bit machine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/682934/is-there-a-gcc-preprocessor-directive-to-check-if-the-code-is-being-compiled-on think __LP64__ might be what you're looking for. See http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs gcc 4.1.2 cpp Common Predefined Macros.html Maybe..
std::stoi doesn't exist in g++ 4.6.1 on MinGW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8542221/stdstoi-doesnt-exist-in-g-4-6-1-on-mingw You can read more about this issue and macro here http gcc.gnu.org bugzilla show_bug.cgi id 37522 . If you're willing to modify..
C++ atomic operations for lock-free structures http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930897/c-atomic-operations-for-lock-free-structures I know that gcc has some built ins at least for CAS http gcc.gnu.org onlinedocs gcc 4.4.0 gcc Atomic Builtins.html#Atomic Builtins..