c++ Programming Glossary: existed
Is returning a std::list costly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1092561/is-returning-a-stdlist-costly though. It never applies if for example the list already existed before the function was called for example if it's a member..
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11247699/lnk2019-unresolved-external-symbol-main-referenced-in-function-tmaincrtstar 95 98 Me. The primary APIs were ANSI and Unicode versions existed here and there but not pervasively. Also the VS debugger had..
Fastest way to check if a file exist using standard C++/C++11/C? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12774207/fastest-way-to-check-if-a-file-exist-using-standard-c-c11-c ran each of these methods 100 000 times half on files that existed and half on files that didn't. inline bool exists_test0 const..
Why does std::map operator[] create an object if the key doesn't exist? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1639544/why-does-stdmap-operator-create-an-object-if-the-key-doesnt-exist that way I don't know. Another answer was that it already existed that way so why not keep it but then probably when they the..
Checking if this is null http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1844005/checking-if-this-is-null
Is the destructor called if the constructor throws an exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188693/is-the-destructor-called-if-the-constructor-throws-an-exception won't be called if its constructor throws the object never existed the destructors of its internal objects could be called. As..
C++ Vector vs Array (Time) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1932222/c-vector-vs-array-time child template specialization that should never have existed and actually stores 1 bool in each bit. Accesses into it are..
Good free FTP Client Library (for Windows C++ commercial apps)? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259166/good-free-ftp-client-library-for-windows-c-commercial-apps ignores all timeout values. That particular bug has existed for years. c windows ftp share improve this question You..
wxWidgets vs Qt [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2886258/wxwidgets-vs-qt the same direction of MFC as it was started way before MFC existed AFAIK and didn't work on Windows at the time it was Linux only...
Why compiler doesn't allow std::string inside union? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3521914/why-compiler-doesnt-allow-stdstring-inside-union is no chance of memory corruption as well. Is string not existed at the time of Union developement in compiler So the answer..
Why should I avoid multiple inheritance in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/406081/why-should-i-avoid-multiple-inheritance-in-c this was bad architecture in fact C should not have existed at all... How much maintainers were paying for that because..
What's the rationale for null terminated strings? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4418708/whats-the-rationale-for-null-terminated-strings terminated strings Length prefixed i.e. Pascal strings existed before C Length prefixed strings make several algorithms faster..
Why is a c++ reference considered safer than a pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4715740/why-is-a-c-reference-considered-safer-than-a-pointer binds to storage and can outlive the object which existed when the reference was created If after the lifetime of an object..
What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5205491/whats-this-stl-vs-c-standard-library-fight-all-about Stepanov in the days long before C was standardised. C existed through the 80s but what we now call C is the language standardised..
What is the point of STL Character Traits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5319770/what-is-the-point-of-stl-character-traits we just defined some traits class or used one that already existed as a parameter to some template type in order to get a string..
initializer_list and move semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8193102/initializer-list-and-move-semantics surprised by this as I'd thought that initializer_list existed to keep an array of temporaries until they were move 'd. begin..
std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8784732/stdlower-bound-slower-for-stdvector-than-stdmapfind all remarkably simple given the algorithms that already existed. This code is obviously highly trimmed from my full code but..
System() calls in C++ and their roles in programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/900666/system-calls-in-c-and-their-roles-in-programming opened the requested file and that the editor itself existed at all but will read the actual results of the session from..
Destructor not invoked when an exception is thrown in the constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9971782/destructor-not-invoked-when-an-exception-is-thrown-in-the-constructor A It means that construction has failed the object never existed its lifetime never began. Indeed the only way to report the.. and the object not only does not now exist but never existed as an object. EDIT 1 But if the exception happens in the main..