c++ Programming Glossary: example.h
Calling C++ functions from C file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12615683/calling-c-functions-from-c-file C. I made an example of what I need to do main.c #include example.h #include stdio.h int main helloWorld return 0 example.h #ifndef.. example.h #include stdio.h int main helloWorld return 0 example.h #ifndef HEADER_FILE #define HEADER_FILE #ifdef __cplusplus extern.. this question Short answer example.cpp should include example.h . Longer answer When you declare a function in C it has C linkage..
multiple definition error including c++ header file with inline code from multiple sources http://stackoverflow.com/questions/212006/multiple-definition-error-including-c-header-file-with-inline-code-from-multip methods declarations and definitions in the header file example.h #ifndef EXAMPLE_H_ #define EXAMPLE_H_ namespace test_ns class.. definition inside the class body this does not happen example.h #ifndef EXAMPLE_H_ #define EXAMPLE_H_ namespace test_ns class..
Is it bad practice to use a C header instead of its C++ equivalent in C++ (e.g. stdio.h instead of cstdio)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2649207/is-it-bad-practice-to-use-a-c-header-instead-of-its-c-equivalent-in-c-e-g instead of cstdio It seems that a lot of people include example.h instead of cexample in their C code. I know that everything..
C++ include header problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4917488/c-include-header-problem file Whether I should put headers like iostream in the example.h file or in example.cpp file If all the classes need to use iostream.. class .cpp . 2.Whether I should put headers like in the example.h file or in example.cpp file It Depends on if you need those.. file It Depends on if you need those headers in the example.h file or in your .cpp file only. 3.If all the classes need to..
How Python can get binary data(char*) from C++ by SWIG? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8163976/how-python-can-get-binary-datachar-from-c-by-swig C to Python the char is truncted by Python. For example example.h char fun return abc 0de now in Python we call example.fun it..
SWIG wrapping C++ for Python: translating a list of strings to an STL vector of STL strings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8469138/swig-wrapping-c-for-python-translating-a-list-of-strings-to-an-stl-vector-of SWIG you might write the following module example #include example.h include std_vector.i include std_string.i Instantiate templates..