

c++ Programming Glossary: complexity

C++ Which is faster: Stack allocation or Heap allocation


and heap allocation's performance depended on the current complexity of the heap for both allocation finding a hole of the proper.. out of heap allocation but that comes with a slight added complexity and its own headaches. Also stack vs. heap is not only a performance..

What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers?


all the container types on that site and look at the complexity requirements stated. Hope this helps share improve this answer..

Static linking vs dynamic linking


times but this depends to some degree on both the size and complexity of your program and on the details of the OSs loading strategy...

Access C++ shared library from Java: JNI, JNA, CNI, or SWIG?


I'm a little surprised that SWIG works given the complexity of some C header files. But SWIG appears to have little difficulty...

RAII and smart pointers in C++


is that the caller has to manage memory which adds extra complexity and might get it wrong leading to a memory leak i.e. not deleting..

What's the rationale for null terminated strings?


Concat using null terminated strings requires O n m time complexity. Length prefixing often require only O m . Length using null.. m . Length using null terminated strings requires O n time complexity. Length prefixing is O 1 . Length and concat are by far the..

Performance of built-in types : char vs short vs int vs. float vs. double


whether or not an operation is fast on a CPU the circuit complexity of the operation and user demand for the operation to be fast... costs money so chip designers have to balance how much complexity to use for which operations and they do this based on perceived.. into four categories high demand low demand high complexity FP add multiply division low complexity integer add popcount..

How to implement the factory pattern in C++ correctly


to another class. I believe this point is incorrect. The complexity doesn't really matter. The relevance is what does. If an object..

Why is std::map implemented as red-black tree?


It really depends on the usage. AVL tree has higher complexity of rebalancing. So if your application doesn't have too many.. Black tree as it gets a reasonable trade off between the complexity of node insertion deletion and searching. share improve this..

Subclass/inherit standard containers?


algorithms that operate generically. This is a simple complexity reason if you have to write an algorithm for every container..

How much footprint does C++ exception handling add


shadow stack. Bruce Eckel Thinking in C Volume 2 The size complexity overhead isn't easily quantifiable but Eckel states an average..

how to merge two BST's efficiently?


each element from a tree and insert it into the other... Complexity of this method being O n1 log n2 .. where n1 is the no of nodes..

Why is modifying a string through a retrieved pointer to its data not allowed?


p such that p i operator i for each i in 0 size . 2 Complexity constant time. 3 Requires The program shall not alter any of..

Is vector::insert allowed to reserve only once and avoid further capacity checks?


of a non CopyInsertable T the effects are unspecified. 2 Complexity The complexity is linear in the number of elements inserted..

Count the number of adjacent boxes


0.0000 1.0000 0.6553 0.7445 0.6553 1.0000 1.0000 Time Complexity The hashing step only requires O N computation time where N..

Why should exceptions be used conservatively?


conservative with how they are used Semantics Performance Complexity Aesthetics Convention I've seen some analysis on performance..

What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers?


are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers Apparently the standard.. big o share improve this question Start here STL Complexity Specifications . Then read through all the container types on..

vector vs. list in STL


for each different type of container What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers share improve this answer..

Rank Tree in C++


containers STL Boost having the best possible Time Complexity finding adding erasing an element take O log n like in STL map.. 4 2 rank 6 3 rank 7 4 rank 8 5. In our opinion under Time Complexity constrains above the problem cannot be solved by a combination..

Is there a sorted_vector class, which supports insert() etc.?


allocator and inserts elements from the range first last . Complexity Linear in N if the range first last is already sorted using..

Efficiency of the STL priority_queue


N same source. And from the C Standard push_heap Complexity At most log last first comparisons. and pop_heap Complexity.. At most log last first comparisons. and pop_heap Complexity At most 2 log last first comparisons. share improve this answer..

Is it possible to do an inplace merge without temporary storage?


itself regarding the complexity of std inplace_merge Complexity When enough additional memory is available last first 1 comparisons...

Is there a general consensus in the C++ community on when exceptions should be used? [closed]


are silent on code inspection read GotW #20 Code Complexity and cry and hidden paths of execution make reasoning harder...

Is it legal to modify the result of std::string::op[]?


value shall not be modified. 3 Throws Nothing. 4 Complexity constant time. This means either The referenced value in the..

What does “constant” complexity really mean? Time? Count of copies/moves? [closed]


theory time complexity share improve this question Complexity is always stated relative to a specific variable or set of variables... the number of 'operations' on the contained objects. Complexity is not specified relative to implementations. It is specified.. the complexity that they need to achieve that performance. Complexity is a tool for rating the efficiency of an algorithm. Complexity..