c++ Programming Glossary: concate
How to concat two or more gzip files/streams http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1143270/how-to-concat-two-or-more-gzip-files-streams Unfortunaly I can't found this example I had found once concatenation using decompression only if someone can point it I would.. is not fits my needs. Clearification edit I want to concate several compressed HTML pices and send them to browser as one.. gzip with respnse Content Encoding gzip If the stream is concated as simple as cat a.gz b.gz ab.gz Gecko firefox and KHTML web..
why sizeof…(T) so slow? implement C++14 make_index_sequence without sizeof…(T) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19783205/why-sizeof-t-so-slow-implement-c14-make-index-sequence-without-sizeof typename T type template typename T typename U struct concate template int ...i int ... j struct concate index_sequence i..... U struct concate template int ...i int ... j struct concate index_sequence i... index_sequence j... index_sequence i..... is slowly. template int n struct make_index_sequence_help concate invoke make_index_sequence_help n 2 invoke make_index_sequence_help..