c++ Programming Glossary: alternate
Using a C++ class member function as a C callback function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1000663/using-a-c-class-member-function-as-a-c-callback-function But in my opinion it does not solve the problem Is there a alternate better way to tackle this c c interop callback share improve..
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11227809/why-is-processing-a-sorted-array-faster-than-an-unsorted-array train goes left 99 of the time then you guess left. If it alternates then you alternate your guesses. If it goes one way every 3.. of the time then you guess left. If it alternates then you alternate your guesses. If it goes one way every 3 times you guess the..
How do you implement Coroutines in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/121757/how-do-you-implement-coroutines-in-c out there I think it could be done by creating an alternate stack and reseting SP BP and IP on function entry and having..
Pros & Cons of putting all code in Header files in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/193864/pros-cons-of-putting-all-code-in-header-files-in-c are other ways of achieving faster compiles when using the alternate approach but this is so simple. 2 It avoids circular dependencies..
The written versions of the logical operators http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2376448/the-written-versions-of-the-logical-operators this became less used. In C they became what are known as alternate tokens . You do not need to include anything to use these tokens..
Can I use Visual Studio 2010's C++ compiler with Visual Studio 2008's C++ Runtime Library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484511/can-i-use-visual-studio-2010s-c-compiler-with-visual-studio-2008s-c-runtim API which was introduced in Windows XP SP2. If using the alternate runtime library is possible will this break code that relies..
Returning object from function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2616107/returning-object-from-function a safe auto_ptr . They are also in C 0x . They provide an alternate pattern for functions creating objects. share improve this..
How to learn proper C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2963019/how-to-learn-proper-c helps as well. You will get corrected by others and see alternate answers for questions that are more C than your C ish answer...
Template specialization to use default type if class member typedef does not exist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3008571/template-specialization-to-use-default-type-if-class-member-typedef-does-not-exi to accomplish the same goal Thank you. Edit Georg gave an alternate method but I'm still curious about why this doesn't work. According..
Pure virtual functions may not have an inline definition. Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4174694/pure-virtual-functions-may-not-have-an-inline-definition-why a kind of initializer part of the declarator and 0 as an alternate form of initializer one that indicated &ldquo no body&rdquo..
reading an application's manifest file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420852/reading-an-applications-manifest-file manifest file I was thinking along the lines of an alternate data stream c windows visual c manifest share improve this..
Disable CONTROL + ALT + DELETE and Windows(win) Key in Windows 7 using Win32 application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4529577/disable-control-alt-delete-and-windowswin-key-in-windows-7-using-win32-app will switch out of the application also. Ctrl Esc is an alternate shortcut for opening the Start menu. Alt Esc flips between running..
Grading Program - Compile/executing c++ code within c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5131085/grading-program-compile-executing-c-code-within-c this question You may want to run the programs under an alternate account e.g. ssh with key based authentication is a good way..
C++ code in header files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/583255/c-code-in-header-files there in the header file. He's not saying this is a valid alternate style or even a slightly better style but rather this is the..
SFINAE tried with bool gives compiler error: “template argument ?˜T::value??involves template parameter” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7776448/sfinae-tried-with-bool-gives-compiler-error-template-argument-tvalue-invol parameter s I am aware that this can be achieved with alternate ways. However I am interested in knowing why it gives compiler..
how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389648/how-to-achieve-4-flops-per-cycle to try and arrange operations so that groups of 3 addpd 's alternate with 3 mulpd 's well at least on my system and for my simple.. to execute add mul in parallel without problems if they alternate in the assembly code. Although difficult to admit but on my..
Why can template instances not be deduced in `std::reference_wrapper`s? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8513050/why-can-template-instances-not-be-deduced-in-stdreference-wrappers linked below shows this can be a useful way to produce an alternate view of an existing collection which can be rearranged at will..
Operator< and strict weak ordering http://stackoverflow.com/questions/979759/operator-and-strict-weak-ordering T iterating over comparisons of a i a i 1 a i 1 a i . An alternate expression of the algorithm would be skip while equal then compare..