c++ Programming Glossary: addrinfo
Can't we use threads inside the member function of class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12840881/cant-we-use-threads-inside-the-member-function-of-class int ConnectToMachine int conResult iResult struct addrinfo result NULL ptr NULL u_long iMode 0 DWORD nTimeout 5000 5 seconds.. Resolve the server address and port conResult getaddrinfo PCSTR 22 addr_ result if conResult 0 printf getaddrinfo.. PCSTR 22 addr_ result if conResult 0 printf getaddrinfo failed with error d n conResult WSACleanup return 1 Attempt..
Example code of libssh2 being used for port forwarding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1580750/example-code-of-libssh2-being-used-for-port-forwarding to accomplish this. void reverse_port_forward CMainDlg dlg addrinfo hubaddr std string username std string password int port int..
sendto: Network unreachable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2782259/sendto-network-unreachable side I do this error checking removed for clarity res getaddrinfo NULL port hints server 0 for p server p NULL p p ai_next fd.. up the initial sockaddr structure. I was doing this struct addrinfo hints memset hints 0 sizeof struct addrinfo hints.ai_family.. this struct addrinfo hints memset hints 0 sizeof struct addrinfo hints.ai_family AF_UNSPEC hints.ai_socktype SOCK_DGRAM hints.ai_flags..
Advice on Mocking System Calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2924440/advice-on-mocking-system-calls on Mocking System Calls I have a class which calls getaddrinfo for DNS look ups. During testing I want to simulate various.. this question In this case you don't need to mock getaddrinfo rather you need to test without relying on its functionality... DnsClass int lookup ... int DnsClass lookup ... return getaddrinfo ... Then for testing you would subclass like this class FailingDnsClass..
substitute for fork()ing? in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243880/substitute-for-forking-in-windows int status int sockfd new_fd const char yes '1' struct addrinfo hints res loop_find struct sockaddr_storage their_addr socklen_t.. SOCK_STREAM hints.ai_flags AI_PASSIVE if status getaddrinfo NULL PORT hints res 0 cout Call to get addrinfo successful.. status getaddrinfo NULL PORT hints res 0 cout Call to get addrinfo successful . endl for loop_find res loop_find NULL loop_find..
Is this a legitimate C++ code? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4372062/is-this-a-legitimate-c-code char argv int sockfd numbytes char buf MAXDATASIZE struct addrinfo hints servinfo p int rv char s INET6_ADDRSTRLEN if argc 2 fprintf.. AF_UNSPEC hints.ai_socktype SOCK_STREAM if rv getaddrinfo argv 1 PORT hints servinfo 0 fprintf stderr getaddrinfo s n.. argv 1 PORT hints servinfo 0 fprintf stderr getaddrinfo s n gai_strerror rv return 1 loop through all the results..
Using select() for non-blocking sockets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6715736/using-select-for-non-blocking-sockets int agrc char argv int status sock adrlen new_sd struct addrinfo hints struct addrinfo servinfo will point to the results store.. int status sock adrlen new_sd struct addrinfo hints struct addrinfo servinfo will point to the results store the connecting address.. address get server info put into servinfo if status getaddrinfo PORT hints servinfo 0 fprintf stderr getaddrinfo error..
Can't obtain local IP using gethostbyname() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8106882/cant-obtain-local-ip-using-gethostbyname #include errno.h #include unistd.h int main int ac char av addrinfo res if getaddrinfo google.com 80 0 res fprintf stderr Can't.. unistd.h int main int ac char av addrinfo res if getaddrinfo google.com 80 0 res fprintf stderr Can't lookup google.com n..